Before the slumber

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*Dan's point of view*

*thinking to himself*

Walking. But where to? Where can I go...I have nothing. No house, no family, no friends.
Unwanted, thrown out, disowned.
Sent away to know where. And for what...because I'm gay!? Why should that be the reason I have nothing.

I'm a 18 year old boy...whose gay and who has nothing.

It's only been a week, I week since I came out as being gay....and in a week I have lost everything, my heart as been ripped out of my chest and stamped on multiple times until it finally turned to dust.
Why did this have to happen, I always told myself that they would understand and love me anyway...but turns out I was wrong. Why.......w-why

I'm cold, I only have my black skinny jeans and my black eclipse shirt, th-that's all they left me with. It's early December, and it's snowing. Well done me ey? Get yourself thrown out of your house in the middle of winter because your gay!?

I shake my head causing some of my chocolate brown hair to fall into my eyes like always. I snap out of my deep, half asleep thoughts and focus on where I am. My feet feel like ice blocks as I drag them across the frozen floor. All I want is to be back in my bed, warm and asleep. I start looking around more, and realise that I am in Trafalgar Square.
"hm" I say to myself under my breath "Trafalgar square...been a long time since I walked through here"
I don't stop to look around...I haven't got time I need to move, it's to cold to stop.

It's pitch black and there are not many people or cars about...which is good as I like being alone....but I hate the dark. In fact I'm rather scared of it. How lame does that sound!? As snow starts fall, I shiver more violently than I was before.
I walk for what felt like an hour more, then sit down on the pavement, the fresh snow freezes my ass instantly. I sit there with my knees brought up to my chest trying to keep as much warmth on me as possible.

I be honest I don't even know. I just sit there in silence watching the snow fall to the ground.

Hey name is jess aka Bro4Phan and I hope you enjoyed the first part of my phanfiction
This is the first one I am EVER writing, so it might be complete and utter crap so I apologise in advance if If is.
I will try to update regularly when I get the chance to, hopefully I will be able to do this every week.
I hope you will stay "tuned" for the next part and I will talk to you soon x
- Jess XX (Twitter- @Bro4Phan)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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