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Y/N: "Hi. I'm a huge fan. I'm so excited to work with you."

TH: "You've seen some of my work?"

YN: "I've seen all of your work."

TH: "Oof. I'm so sorry. I was a rubbish actor when I was younger. I'm still not quite the best."

Y/N: "Well in my opinion you are and were one of the best."

RDJ: "Well I'll leave you two love birds alone."

You two sit down and talk. He introduces you to his friend Harrison and you guys start going through the list of things that he has to do today. Once you guys are done he offers to take you to dinner with Harrison. You obviously say yes. You three go to The Cheesecake Factory.

Harry: "So... How old are you?"

TH: "Harry! That's rude! You don't have to answer that Y/N"

Y/N: "I don't mind. Really. I'm 21 years old."

They look at me astonished and not in belief.

TH: "How is that possible? You're like a doctor right?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I'm what they call a prodigy. So by time I was in first grade I was doing high school work. I also can see colors when I listen to music. I actually trained my brain to do it. So I graduated college very fast and became a sound engineer at the age of 18 with a PHD. And went back for my second PHD."

Harry: "Thats amazing. Completely amazing. Are you with anyone?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I'm with my highschool boyfriend."

You guys talked a bit more then went home. It was a Friday so you don't go to work tomorrow.

Tom's POV
                             Still at dinner.

She's beautiful. She's smart. She's kind. And she's taken. The girl of my dreams is taken and I have to deal with it. She treats me like everyone else and I love that.

Heading back home

TH: "So what do you think of her?"

Harry: "She seems nice. Not my type but nice."

TH: "SHE'S NOT?!?"

Harry: "No. Why lad? Do you fancy her?"

TH: "More than you can imagine. I haven't fancied someone in ages. Well not like this."

Harry: "What are you going to do?"

TH: "No idea."

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