1st day

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You're POV
I just met RDJ. Of course I apologized for my appearance. The Russo Brothers and RDJ told me that I could dress anyway I want because I won't be in front of any press over there or go to any movies so that would probably be my work dress code. I was so okay with that. RDJ said that the next movie coming out was Civil War.

Y/N: "Wait. I'm like a major geek and I know that there are an insane amount of heros in that movie. Like Spiderman."

RDJ: "Yes. What about it?"

Y/N:"Well who's going to play Spiderman?"

RB's: "We actually are currently holding auditions. You'll know when we know. But we should discuss your job. You will be going on set quite a bit to help us with the sound systems and this will be your own studio. You will also help us do the editing on the movie. We would also like you to write the theme songs. You will have a studio and a place to live at every job and you will be making around 90.8k a year. Food will be provided with a separate banking account. How does that sound?"

Y/N: "That is more than generous. That sounds like actual heaven."

RB's: "It's no problem. You'll start tomorrow. We're getting all the OG Avengers together and some other people like Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackey, Paul Rudd and there might be more but I can't remember everyone right now."

Y/N: "Sounds great. And I dress like this?"

RB's: "Yup. And if you have a skateboard or something bring it because it'll make it easier to get across set."

We said our goodbyes and parted ways. The next morning I got up, got dressed, grabbed my skateboard, I went to Starbucks so I had my coffee, and went to work.

I was told to go to my studio so I headed over there. I went in and there was RDJ, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, and Mark Ruffalo. RDJ stood up.

RDJ: "Y/N! Welcome. Guys. This is Y/N. She is our new sound engineer and is a music major. She's amazing. I met her last night. Y/N there is a seat next to me and Scarlett."

I walked over and sat down to my idol Scarlett Johansson. I was freaking out on the inside. We started talking and immediately became great friends. A little after I got there the Russo Brothers walked in and gave us the news about who was going to be the new Spider-Man.

RB's: "Okay guys so the new Spider-Man is Tom Holland."

Y/N: "No way!"

RB's: "You know him?"

Y/N: " Yeah. I've seen all of his movies. He was in a movie with Chris Hemsworth."

CH: "Darling please call me Chris. We're family now. And Tom's a great kid and a great actor. He's young and has a lot to work on but he surely is quite amazing. I'm very happy for him."

RB's: "He'll be coming on set tomorrow. We'll also be shooting the new Spiderman Homecoming movie while shooting Civil War so Y/N, you're going to be very busy."

I was so okay with this. Tom Holland is amazing. And not to mention definitely the hottest guy on this Earth. And every other planet that ever has and ever can exist.

Time Jump to Next Day

I'm in my studio playing with sounds and fixing up the scenes that have already been filmed. I was adding sound effects and getting it all ready for the up coming music. I had my headphones on so I really couldn't hear anything when all of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder. I take the headphones off and turn around to see RDJ.

RDJ: "Hey girly. Whatcha up to?"

Y/N: "Just fixing up some scenes. Hby?"

RDJ: "Giving you your next task. The Russo Brothers think that because you and Tom are so close in age that you should be the one who watches him. Hey Tom. Get in here!"

TH: "Yes sir?"

RDJ: "This is Y/N. She'll be working on all of your Spiderman Movies and anything with you in it that is Marvel."

TH: "Ello Y/N. It's nice to meet you. I'm Tom."

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