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"Elise, I swear to God, you're living in the trash dump if you don't clean the floor properly! Do your job as the inferior properly!"

"Rosa," Elise muttered, quickly moving backward from seeing the woman. The woman walked closer to her, eyeing her up and down. "Elise," the woman says, tying in a bit of shock with her tone. Elise's panic went skyrocket, kicking in from her inner self, and her body shook out of fear. Before thinking, she let out a small whimper, "Stay back."

The woman rolled her eyes, and fixed her posture, "I see you're still as hostile as the day I've met you." She then looks to the side of the room, "Thank you, Matthew, for bringing her here. Have you given her a bath?" The man walked out of the shadows, his eyeglasses shimmering from the light, "Not yet, ma'am. I think it's best if you get to see her as soon as possible."

A loud slap echoed within the basement, as Elise shivered in the corner, her eyes set in a wide state. It gave memories. Memories she thought she had forgotten and buried inside. The world is truly a dangerous place.

"I told you to give her a bath, haven't I? No black man with disgusting dirt on their skin may step into my beautiful clean home, and you've ruined that. How dare you to rebel against my order?" Rosa stepped in front of Matthew, eyes fueled with disappointment. "Y-Yes, ma'am! I'll give her a bath right now!" the man bowed down, of fear and anxiety, and quickly picked up Elise from the ground, taking off the chains.

"W-Wait!" she blurted, "W-Where's Erika?"

"She'll be away from you as soon as possible, why even bother asking?" the woman smiled, using her hand to cover herself. She then waves her hand in a dismissing manner, "Get her out."

Matthew carried her away, and as soon as she left the dark basement, she was in a white bathroom, of mirrors and marble. A bathtub, a shower, and a toilet were fit inside. "Take off your clothes and I'll hand you a towel," he ordered her. She paused, "Y-You're going to watch me?" No response. The darker girl sighed, then started to take off her spaghetti strap, followed by her short jeans. Her body started to shake as her hands touched her underwear. She looked back up to the man, "M-May I have the towel?"

He walked closer to her, eyeing her curves and pear shaped figure. He licks his lips, as he watched. Her heart beat faster, and with her hands, tried to cover her almost naked body up. He grabs her hips, pulling her closer to his hot body, "You know... your sister's figure was nowhere as good as yours. Black women really do look better than whites."

"G-Get off!" she ordered. But he did not follow. He pinned her on the shiny floor, and massaged her breasts, with one hand keeping her arms in place. She shivered and struggled to breathe. The panic was unreal, and with every move he made, her emotional state worsened.


"Dad? It's 12 AM, what are...you doing in my room?"

"It's an emergency..."

"W-Wait...Dad? W-What are you d-doing?"

"Elise, just stay still okay?"

"D-Dad! G-Get of-"

"Shush...it is okay...Tell Rosa or anyone, and you'll be dead. Just look at your body, Elise...I can't resist you..."

His pacing quickened, and her heart beat as fast as it could possibly take. She raised her legs and tried to kick him off, and soon enough, she won.

He stumbled back, as she scrambled to get the bidet sprayer. Her hands gripped the handle, just as he held her leg and pulled her closer. She raised the sprayer, and banged his head hard, nearly knocking out the man. He fell on the floor, his hand touching the bruise, "H-Hey!"

Matthew stood up, walking towards her in caution, until he gripped her leg, another mistake, and she continued to hit his head with the sprayer. The adrenaline coursed through her veins, her eyes shot wide, she held the sprayer tighter and thumped it over his head, again, and again, and again, and again. The man's body went limp, as his head started to bleed. Repeated bruises around his skull and parts of his brain oozed out of the hole.

Elise stopped, dropped the bidet sprayer to the ground. Her sanity came knocking on her brain. She stared at the dead body, her body felt numb as she dropped to the floor. "I... I-I killed him..."

Her heartbeat was rapid, trying so much to calm herself down but failed. Her body rattled, her jade eyes shuddered. She covered her mouth with her hands, only to realize the bloody mess on it, and rapidly took it off. But the rusty taste of blood swirled through her taste buds. She killed the man. A major sin.

She shook her head left and right, and stood up. She washed her hands, tried to make them clean, and grabbed her clothes. She hastily wore the fabric, ran out of the room, and locked the door. She left the room where a lying corpse rot.

While running in the long hallway, her hand searched her shorts' pockets, and grab hold of her cellphone. They didn't search me, she thought, with relief. The darker girl dialed a friend she could trust, Ariana. "Yow, Ariana here."

Panting, Elise managed to reply, "Ariana, listen, I-I got kidnapped by my parents, please help me!"

The caller on the other side, managed to gasp, before replying, "H-Hold on! Okay, this isn't a prank?"

"No, it isn't! I'm running in the hallway right now, trying to find a way to escape!"

"O-Okay, okay. Do you know where you are?"

"No, the mansion is n-new! I-I've never been in this lot before!"

"I'm going to the police station to track the call, then. Just try to hide, for now, use something as a weapon, and if you can, get out, you got it?"

Elise nodded, running out of breath, before she stopped in a room with checkered golden and marble tiles, with aureate walls and an inside balcony at the front, a room fit for a ball. And at the very front, was a picture. A fair woman, with plentiful of small freckles and rosy cheeks, and long, straight auburn hair. Elise loss her grip on her phone, as the same jade eyes stared back at her. 

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