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As you all read a short sum up of the story. Now let me introduce you about more characters.

Mehra Family :-

Raghuvendra Mehra the elder person in the whole mehra family. He is the eldest and most sorted person among his two brothers. He is not married nor have the place of love kind emotions. He is pretty strict for his principles, rules and culture.

Amar Mehra is on the second position among his two brothers. His wife name is Sulekha Mehra. Amar and sulekha both have love marriage and it's the reason raghuvendra don't talk with them properly coz he is extremely against these love marriages. For about an year they lived separated from their family but when the bundle of joy named Aditya came in the world. Raghuvendra seeing that little bundle of joy forgets everything and forgives both the couples.

Shiv Mehra is the youngest among his brothers. His wife name is Anjali Mehra and both have two child Anuj & Swati.

Aditya Mehra is 27 year old tall, handsome, heart-throb, rich, egoistic man. He loves his mom the most and respects his big father.He never cuts off the saying of his big father, for him his big father's order is supreme. The next person who is most important person in his life other than his mom is his best friend raghav. Though his parents does a love marriage and they both have immense love between them but he don't have the place for love kind of emotion in his heart. He is not against only love marriages but he hates the word marriage. He thinks that marriage binds and limits a person thinking and capability. The person after marriage goes on trapped and trapped in relations and emotions which is the biggest obstacle for being successful . He thoughts that the relations which he had is enough for him and he don't want more people and relations in his life.In total he has a phobia of "Commitment for love." His main focus is only  his career and it's his childhood dream of becoming and getting the award for "Best businessman of the year. " and he is really working hard for it.

Raghav Malhotra 26 year young, handsome and a big flirtatious man. He is the childhood best friend of aditya. His parents died when he was 12 year old and since then aditya din't left him alone for a second and he was living with him.Raghav took care of his own family business in shimla and frequently comes to lucknow to meet mehra family. Though he doesn't have a blood relation with mehra family but everyone loves him very much and consider him as their son. Raghav and aditya share a friend cum bro like bond with each other and everyone admire their friendship a lot.Both can't live apart from each other. They are each others secret keeper.

Though he is aditya's friend but his activities are totally opposite from him. Aditya compares relation with money and he made relations for money. Aditya is famous for not giving a damn to any girls while he is famous for breaking heart of many girls. Aditya has the phobia of commitment while he was like 'Once i do a commitment, then i don't listen my ownself also '. The one thing which is common between them is aditya hates love and he also always prays god to never mizzle him up in a problem like love.

Diwan family :-

Ramesh Diwan is one of the leading businessman of lucknow. His company diwan industries are world famous and his name come among the most richest and famous personality in lucknow. His wife name is Archana and she died after giving birth to a girl child Anu.

Suresh Diwan is the youngest brother of ramesh diwan and he owns a seperate textile industry inside diwan industries only. He is also very kind hearted and famous personality of lucknow. His wife name is Veena Diwan. They have two daughters name Siya Diwan & Pooja Diwan.

Siya Diwan is the female protagonist of the story. She is 24 year old and the most beautiful girl with a pure soul.She completed her studies in MBA and help her father in his business. She is very kind like her father.She respects every decisions of her parents. She is a very lovable girl. She is that much golden heart that no one resist herself from loving her. She is a mature at the same time a very naughty girl. She knows where to behave wisely and where like a bubbly, chirpy, happy girl. She loves kids a lot. She respects every relation but not more than her self respect.Her thinking for love is if we commits our love to someone then we should keep up that promise for life long. Her concept is that we are beautiful creation of god and it should be in our nature to love everyone coz the way to get being loved by everyone is to distribute love among every one.

Malishka Sehgal is a successful, cunning, stunning and a business minded woman. She is a beautiful NRI girl and a very good friend of aditya.

Narayan Murthy is a 30 year old man.He works as the manager in aditya's company.


Both mehra and diwan family belongs to same village Sitapur and know each other from years.Both families are close to each other but their contacts broke up when diwan family shifted to city lucknow. It's get reconnected when aditya also shifted to lucknow in order to expand his business. Suresh and Amar are good friends also suresh likes the effort of aditya to be independent very much so he thought to convert the friendship into a relationship and sends alliance of his daughter for him. Amar and their family accepted this alliance reluctantly but the problem came when aditya said no to the marriage saying that he is not ready yet .


So witness this amazing journey of raghav,aditya and siya. What will happen when the one devoid of emotions meets with the one who is the perfect mark of kindness and love..?? One respects the serenity of a relationship and the other who doesn't see anything beyond his work not even his relations.Will they cope up with each other or destiny will play its game..??

It's sure that a magic will happen when the two indifferent souls will meet and bind in love.

But it was not seemed to be easy as it was looking..

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