2. I Am Ready

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Aditya's pov

Why the hell durgapur project is still in pending..??" I shouted on my manager.

"Sir..I..I don't know.. I handover that project issue to vikas." he replied scared.

"Now who the hell is this vikas..??" I said angrily.

"Sir.. Our marketing manager." replied murthy surprised.

"So who will call him here me or you..??" I said angrily.

"M..mmm..me sir.." and with that he called him through intercom and after sometime vikas came in to my cabin.

"So vikas why the durgapur project is still in pending..??" I asked in a bossy way.

"Actually sir the land area in durgapur where we want to establish a hotel is trapped up in some court case." replied vikas.

"I know this next.." I said sternly.

"And sir the owner promised that he'll win the case and as soon as the case will be over we will get registered that land in our name." replied vikas.

"Hmm... So when is his last hearing." I asked.

"12th October" he replied.

"And today is 14th what were you doing yesterday..??" I said.

"Sir yesterday is my marriage anniversary.So I took an off." he said and listening to it my anger crossed every height.

"Bullshit.. You know that there is important work for you in the office then also you took an off." I said controlling my anger.

"Wohh sir it's my first.." he replied but i cuts him off.

"First what you bl**** dumb....?? If you want to take an off at least you should have told us about his case hearing." I scolded him badly.

"Sorry sir.." he replied bowing his head down.

"You know.." I am saying something suddenly his phone rings.

"Sorry.. Sorry.. Sir.." he apologise many times to me and taking out the phone from his pocket he dares to attend the call in front of me and that is enough for me.

(After vikas cuts the call)

"Who's there on phone..??" I asked angrily.

"Sir.. My.. My wife.." he replied.

"You know what you just go home and spend as much time as you want with your wife. Infact i'll say you remain at home only. From tomorrow there is no need to come to the office." I said angrily.

"S.. Sir... Sir.. Please sir don't do like this.." he pleaded.

"I don't need irresponsible person in my office. You're fired." I said in a cold voice.

"Sir.." he said making crying face.

"Get out...." I roared at the top of my voice.

(Vikas leaves the cabin)

"Murthy just find a new marketing manager as fast as possible and most importantly he/she should not be married." I ordered murthy.

"Ok sir.." he nodded and leaves my cabin.

I sat down on my chair and started doing my pending works.

(After few hours)

The clock struck 9:00 pm and almost all my works are complete. A feeling of satisfaction filled inside my body and i smiled happily. I saw outside through the glass walls and saw seats were empty it means many left the office. I also shuts down my laptop and putting on my blazer i came outside and leaves the office sitting inside my MayBach.

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