3 wIsHeS oNlY!

969 48 23

Requested by Marianathecat07


Valt: Oooh a magic lamp? I wonder if there's a genie in here! *Rubs it*

Genie: Congratulations! You get 3 wishes for setting me free!

Valt: Yay! Ok um. 1.) To have a unlimited amount of beybread. 2.) For Lui to stop stealing my food. And 3.) To be a better blader!

Genie: Ok bam! *sNaP* Your wishes came true! You'll find an unlimited amount of beybread at home!

Valt: YES! *Runs at Sonic speed*

Genie: Nice kid.


Lui: The hell is this? *Picks up lamp*

Genie: Congratulations! You get to have three wishes!

Lui: Well if that's the case then I wish for 1.) For Valt to stop bothering me. 2.) For everyone to stop calling me a midget. 3.) To know if Shu loves me!

Genie: Well 2 of them I can do but I don't know about the second one.

Lui: What?

Genie: What?

Lui: What'd you say?

Genie: Ok bam! * S N A P* Your wishes came true! See ya! *pushes him out*


Genie: Watch your mouth kid.



Daigo: *Picks up lamp*

Genie: Congratulations! You get to have three wishes!

Daigo: Seriously?

Genie: Yes.

Daigo: Ok uh 1.) Death. 2.) Death. 3.) No more school!

Genie: Ok uh do you want to change that list a bit? Ya know like "no death"?

Daigo: Fine. 1.) No more school. 2.) I want to see season 4 of AOT. 3.) Get Lui to stop cursing around Valt.

Genie: Ok b-

Daigo: And death.

Genie: Too late already made your three wishes! Bam! * Snap*

Daigo: Aw no death :(.

Genie: C'mon turn that frown upside down!

Daigo: ):

Genie: Really? Just get out.

Daigo: Ok. *leaves*


tA Da!

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