Tagged (10 facts!)

755 23 21

I got tagged by LunarWolfAoi and NightmareSunrise (a while back)

So let's start!

1.) I'm a girl

2.) I really love drawing

3.) I'm that one kid in the green sweater

4.) Even though I'm 99% introverted (we had to do a 16 personality thing at school and that's what I got) I really like making people laugh

5.) I love Fnaf!

6.) I'm a freshman in high school (even tho technically Im supposed to be in 8th grade)

7.) I'm heterosexual and I support gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc because everyone deserves to be themselves!

8.) I'm obsessed with Aot and beyblade, mostly metal saga

9.) I'm short

10.) I get anxiety when I have to present something in class or when everyone stares at me


Only tagging 4 people because I know a lot of people are getting tagged.

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