Starbucks & MM

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Oceana: *yeets Starbucks at Remy*

Remy: *catches it while facing Deceit*

Dahlia: Deceit you have to watch Murder Mystery with Thomas!

Deceit: Yay!

Thomas: What type of snacks?

Deceit: All of them!!!!

Thomas: YES!!!

Dahlia: Well now I wanna watch it!

Thomas: You can join!

Dahlia: Yee!

(After watching)

Dahlia: Holy f*ck I got chills

Thomas: Yeah!

(After talking about it for about 1 hour)

*Because I want to make this more lengthy*

(All my ships appear)

Dahlia: Holy Sh*t Why are you here?!

Draco: Bloody Potter! He said a stupid spell incorrectly!

Harry: You git! You told me to say it like that!!

Remus (HP): Calm down Harry

Oceana: Why are there so many people here?


Everyone:  . . . . . . .

Dahlia: Separate by fandom!

Logan: Harry Potter characters over there!

Patton: Kindergarden (But as teens) people over here!

Roman: Marvel people over here!

Virgil: Mystreet peeps over here!

Deceit: Voltron people over here!

Remy: Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus characters over here!

(That's probably not even all my ships, just the ones I'll mention)

Logan: Please Introduce yourselves

(Everyone introduces themself)

Patton: You must be here for a reason?

Dahlia: Randomness?

Oceana: Ships?

Logan: Both probably

Virgil: Well, converse among yourselves and we will tell you were to go until tomorrow

(With HP characters)

*Draco and Harry are arguing*
*Pansy and Hermione are talking about ships*
*Blaise is staring at Ron talking, counting his freckles*
*Sirius is trying to get Remus's attention before James can get Lily's*
*Luna is describing what nargles are while Ginny is taking notes on a notepad*

(Logan and Patton are handing them stickers to where they go)

*they do that with every fandom*

Logan: Any objections?

Draco: Why do I share a room with Potter?!

Logan: Since you asked, *whispers something to Patton* you now have a surprise waiting for you two, Now go!

(Everyone leaves)

(Draco and Harry's room has only one bed)

Harry: Fooled another person?

Draco: Yup!

(They happily share the bed)

(Sirius and Remus end up using a bunch of pillows to make a pillow fort to calm Remus from the recent Full Moon)

(Pansy and Hermione read until 12 AM when they fall asleep)

(Blaise and Ron are in different beds, cold but don't want to bother the other person)

(Luna is telling a story to an almost asleep Ginny)

(Despite what he says, Lance needs something to cuddle to fall asleep, that 'thing' this time is Keith)

(Hunk is sharing a room with Allura and Pidge because Shay didn't want to leave the Balmara)

(Nugget is mumbling in his sleep about random things)

(Felix is wondering about one time where Nugget told the twins apart even when the twins switched clothes)

(Lily and Cindy are wondering about the other)

(Any Marvel people are only half asleep, on edge about a Battle or Thanos)

(Any PJO/HoO character is praying to the Lord that nothing will detect their demigod smell, especially Percy)

(Any Mystreet character is sleeping peacefully with their partner, confident that they can be protected and/or protect by their partner)

~Next chapter will deal with this randomness and fix it~

Thomas: Goodbye Guys, Gals, and Non Binary Pals! Peace Out!

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