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Katsukis p.o.v

There I was Deku in my arms. I was trying to calm down and think about the situation. "Kacchan?" His voice was weak "Ya" I was holding back tears. "I love you so much" he put a smile on while I sat there wide eyed. He lives me? Is it because we're soulmates? Does he actually love me? My thoughts were cut off "I'm really happy you're the last thing I see" his eyes close. "Hey Deku don't say things like that!" He didn't answer "Deku!" Still no answer "Goddamnit Deku!" His lips slowest formed into a smile. "I'll miss you kacchan". His smile faded. I got up and ran. I ran as fast as I could. Straight to recovery girl.

~time skip~

It's been about two hours since I brought Deku to recovery girl. She hasn't come out yet and I haven't left. "My boy you should get some rest" AllMight said putting a hand on my shoulder. "No! I can't I have to know if he's gonna be ok!" I yell trying not to break down. "I know son. I am on edge as well" as If on que recovery girl walks out. "Boys" she says with her head down "he isn't good" me and allmight stand there in shock. "What do you mean? Is he gonna be ok?" AllMight says trying to figure out what's happened "It isn't looking good. Right now he is alive but his injury's were very severe" the whole time I've just stood there. Thinking. Deku might die? No. That isn't like him to do something like that. Die out of nowhere not even become a hero yet? No. He can't die. "Can I see him?" I say trying to stay calm "I guess he is on the third bed I'm not sure if he is awake tho" "that's fine" I leave her outside to talk with AllMight while I walk inside. I go to the third bed and there he is wrapped in bandages and pale. But still breathing. I could look at his chest slowly rising and falling for days. Why didn't you just leave it to the pros. I sit down by his bed I slowly put my hand in his remembering all about him. All the times we played and had sleepovers. All the times our mothers would joke about us being soulmates. All the times we laughed. All the times he smiled because of me. And you had to go ruin that with your stupid fucking ego way to go katsuki. You ruined probably the best thing that could have ever happened to you! I didn't even know how long I had been sitting in that chair just holding his hand and crying. "Damnit Deku why couldn't you have left it to the pros?! Why couldn't you have just left it alone?! Why couldn't you have taken my advice and not go into U.A?!" I was bawling my eyes out at this point. "Deku why did it have to be me? Why did you stick around me so much? Why did you put up with me for so long?! Why did you do it?! Why couldn't you have just left me alone!?" All the regret I've ever had just came up and let out. "Because Katsuki I love you"

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I've had a lot of school work to do.
I made this one a bit longer so I hope it makes up for it. 😊

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