Chapter 39

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The Prologue of Mind Reader For Hire went out to all my patrons today! Let me know if any of you didn't get it for some reason. 

Also, huge note

If you are re-reading this book, and I see you commenting spoilers about ANYTHING, you are getting blocked immediately. I am not just deleting your comment. I am blocking you entirely. I am re-reading through all my books to check. If you know you did this, you better go delete your comment really fucking fast. It is NOT okay to go back and say 'ooo Sero is the traitor hahha' because that's an assholish thing to do to people trying to read the story through and enjoy it. Don't be that guy. 

Third person pov

Harper had experienced the sensation of 'her life flashing before her eyes' before. Before, when she was a child in that damned man's office, later, when she found herself on the way to the hospital after trying to commit suicide, and watching dazedly as her own heart rate dropped lower and lower. Getting kidnapped by Kurogiri, and facing off against Sero, and rushing through the streets of Hosu, trying desperately to reach her friends before Stain could cut their lives short. She'd been afraid in all those moments. This time was no different, only this was a different kind of death she was about the experience.

With the help of the people around her, Harper had constructed a house of cards. But take one of those cards away to reveal it, and the entire tower was going to come tumbling down. And this card? This card was at the base. The very foundation of all she was forced to hide at the moment. And it was about to be revealed. Hagakure's scream was the most dreadful sound she'd heard in a while. It made her want to stare blankly at a wall for hours on end until her brain finally decided to call it quits and bottomed out, as it should've years ago.

Everyone clambered from their seats as the beginnings of one of Kurogiri's warp gates began to form. Harper grimaced in a resigned manner, also rising from her seat just as her classmates did, though not as panicked in her movements. Aizawa looked borderline frantic, his eyes sharp and darting between the forming portal and Harper herself, who looked pissed off, but exasperated at the same time. Kirishima was one of the few still at his desk, his head in his hands as he groaned to himself over what an absolute mess this was about to turn into. Harper thought back to Dabi's text.

Dumbass #7:
I lost Kurogiri

One glance away was all it took to lose track of the guy. And now here he was, forming at the front of their classroom. Wonderful. Just what she needed today. Could she go just one week without a crisis? Just one? Because really, that's all she was asking.

"We're gonna die!" Kaminari screamed. Harper winced as the screechy Wii tune in his head intensified along with the electricity crackling in the air around him. Ojiro and Aoyama hopped away from him as a few of the sparks stung at their arms, their eyes wide as saucers. "Oh my god, I'm too young to go! I haven't even lost my virginity yet!" 

"It's the warp fucker!" Bakugo growled out, palms crackling. "Those League assholes sure have some nerve showing their ugly mugs around here again. I'll take them down before they even know what hit them!" 

"Mr. Aizawa! What do we do?!" Iida asked, frantically ushering his classmates behind him. "What is Harper doing?! She's just standing there and glaring! She did mention something happening on her internship... I've never seen her look so upset. I do hope she's alright. I won't let anything happen to her or my other peers!" 

Harper shook her head, bringing herself out of her daze. Right, she could focus on the thoughts of her classmates later. This was the type of issue that wasn't going to handle itself, unfortunately. She tapped Kirishima's shoulder as slipped past, bringing him springing to his feet and ready to follow. At least someone around here wasn't an unreliable idiot. That being said, it's not like Kurogiri ever promised not to show up while she was in class. Dabi had simply been diligent enough to curb his panics. Not today, though. Her lack of texting had sent the ex-villain over the edge, and now here he was.

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