Chapter 48

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Third person pov

"So you'll be gone for how long? A month?" Sero questioned. He seemed a lot calmer since seeing his sister again, and was actually working with a psychologist on occasion to try getting his memories back. He was still apprehensive around anyone who wasn't Harper. The mind reader could see how that could be. She was just glad he was opening up at all. "A summer camp... Wish I wasn't such a fuck up. I could've gone, and we probably would've had fun, too."

"A week." Harper corrected, eyeing him. "I'm having Tsukauchi look after you. I know you're not his biggest fan, but he's a good guy. I wouldn't trust anyone else with you."

"You flatter me." Sero snorted. "I wouldn't ever say it, but I'm glad she cares so much. It means... It means a lot that she's not letting me go down for this. I know it's been a lot of trouble. I sometimes wonder why she bothers."

"Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up." Harper sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I can't stay long. I've got a phone call to make and all that shit."

"Look at you! Everyone wants your attention." Sero barked out a laugh. Harper gave him a bland look. In the background, the new radio Harper had brought for him buzzed out some infomercial. He was allowed to keep it so long as he didn't take it apart and didn't throw it at anyone. He deserved some form of entertainment in this place. It was the best Harper could do. "A week... I can do a week. It'll be perfectly fine without her. Harper has things to do, after all. I don't want to get in the way of that. I wonder if she can at least call..."

"Everyone can literally fuck off. I'm tired." Harper sighed, shaking her head. She wished she would be able to call and check in, but Aizawa had heavily implied that there'd be no service where they were going. Though she hadn't been able to pinpoint where the camp was just yet. Everyone seemed to be acting extra carefully around her to avoid her finding out. She had a sneaking suspicion she knew where it would be anyway. She'd caught mountains, woods, and looking at the past summer trainings UA hosted... this was going to be ass. But also quite possibly good.

"Will you be able to call at all?" Sero glanced up, meeting her eyes. He looked nervous. Harper decided now probably wasn't a good time to make fun of him. "She calls almost everyday, and visits at least twice a week, if not more. What if something happens? What if they take this chance to cart me away?"

"I can't promise I'll be able to call. I don't know where we're going, but it's far and probably won't have reception." Harper admitted. Sero's expression dropped, but the teen wasn't finished. "But, again, I'm leaving Tsukauchi with you. I trust him with my life and with yours. He's not going to let anything happen to you. He said he'd visit with you everyday, so you won't be alone."

Sero gave her a hesitant grin, worries put somewhat to rest. Harper cared too much to let anything happen to him. Of course she'd made sound arrangements. It was dumb to doubt her. Harper had a lot on her plate, but she didn't do things in halves.

"You're a good friend." Sero put a hand on her shoulder. Her nose scrunched up.

"You're disgusting." Harper decided.

"And that's the last time I show gratitude." Sero flicked her ear with a scoff. She rolled her eyes, offering a tired half-smile. Sero wasn't completely better, but he was getting there. Right now, that was enough.


"I'll be gone a week, so don't think I've abandoned you." Harper said, throwing a few fries in her mouth. They'd picked up some food on the way back home, and Harper was glad. She'd been starving. Tsukauchi was more than happy to provide her with sustenance. "Tsukauchi will call, and hopefully your son will too. If he doesn't, let me know and I'll handle it when I'm back."

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