Chapter 56

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Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came to the livestream to see Dave freak out! Hazing him was so fun and the chat was just wild. It was actually amazing and we made him so happy and confused the ever living fuck out of him. So much milk, CEO of click, Chad, and of course, only Sox. AND ALL STAR HOW ICONIC I CANT EVEN I CANNOT WHEN HE PULLED THE GUITAR OUT AND HIS DOG ALRIGHT ALRIGHT THE REAL ONES KNOW

Butter. I can't believe it's not her. 

If you're a member of the click cult/dairy cult please drop a comment we're all friends now thank you I don't make the rules.

strong bone from milk no butter no butter

Third person pov

The raw fear that raced through Harper when she realized just what was happening was unlike anything she'd ever felt. A heavy dread that made her feel sick to her stomach settled over her like a heavy fog, and the shock from how unexpected it was threatened to paralyze her. Stretching forward towards the middle of the trail where her aunt should've been at the checkpoint with Tiger and Pixie-bob, Harper was horrified to find that they were far from alone. Unwanted company had appeared from seemingly nowhere, and somehow, Harper hadn't picked up on it. Not even slightly. 

Villains. There were villains up ahead. Neither of them were ones she particularly recognized, but they were there and they definitely weren't good. Pixie-bob was on the ground and without a doubt unconscious, which sent Harper's mind through a loop that made her head pound even more. Harper hardly noticed the pain. She was too preoccupied with the sudden intake of information. Normally, she would've been calm. Told Bakugo and decided how to act next. But there was only one thought in her mind at this moment. Only one person.

"Bakugo." Harper felt like crying. There was something unseen wrapping around her throat and making it hard to breathe. She was panicking. Panicking wasn't something she'd truly done in a long time. Not to this extent. But it was warranted, she thought. The threat put before them was genuine and real, and she had personal attachments warping her ability to put on a calm exterior. "We need to go find my cousin Kota. Now."

Bakugo stared at her, trying to figure out what was wrong by her expression alone. She still had a grip on his arm, and she wasn't letting go. Not because she didn't want to, but because she felt frozen. Like her world had just shattered. Her heart had never beat this fast before. Was her aunt going to be okay? What about Pixie-bob? Where were her other classmates, and was Kirishima okay? What about Aizawa? And then there was her little cousin-- her baby cousin. He was so small, and he'd been through so, so much. And she just knew he'd run off to their hideout. It was one Harper and her brother used to hang out at secretly, and Harper had passed the knowledge on to their younger cousin as soon as she thought he was old enough.

"What the hell is going on?" Bakugo asked, voice lowered. He grabbed her arm too, forcing her to look into his eyes and grounding her. Harper stared at him like she was a deer caught in headlights. They had to move. They had to go, now. She had to get a hold of herself. "Something's happening. The fuck did she just pick up on? And why's she need to go find that little kid so suddenly?" 

"Everyone!" Mandalay's voice cut through their minds before Harper could even begin to muster up a reply. Harper blinked, shaking her head a bit. She had to snap out of this and get her motherfucking ducks in a motherfucking row. Now wasn't the time for a breakdown. "Two villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately. We're regrouping. Do not engage with any enemies." 

Bakugo froze too. Harper sucked in as much air as she could, closing her eyes for a moment. She had to calm down. Things would be fine, but she had to go find Kota now. She was the only one who knew where he was-- barring Izuku, who might've brought him dinner once. She didn't know where the green haired boy was though, or if he'd be going to get her cousin. She couldn't count on a possibility. She had to go get him, with or without Bakugo's help. Harper refused to lose anyone else at this point. Especially not her little cousin.  

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