Chapter 4

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Marshall's POV

Good Glob, that Cake needs to take a chill pill. I mean, I didn't even do anything to Fi! And it's not like she was gone for that long, either. Probably just a couple of hours. It's not like I could grab a phone and call that stupid cat, either. I mean, have YOU ever been in Fionna's sleeping chokehold of death? There is no moving an inch in that thing.
Flying by my broken doorframe, I see the sun peeking out from the summer foliage. It makes me notice that, even after the nap I took with Fionna, I was exhausted. I decide to crawl into my oversized bed and snooze for a bit. Drifting into my bedroom, I slid off my flannel plaid button up, put on some shorts, and hover above my bed. I don't actually sleeping ON it, for I just end up floating in my sleep anyways. I glance down at the Fionna-shaped imprint on my black and red sheets and notice how...curvy it was. My mind drifts back to the incident and starts going into perv mode, thinking about the curves of Fi's body, her calloused hands, how her golden hair reflects the moonlight just right, how luscious and soft her lips looked...
All of the sudden, in the middle of that wonderful memory, it happens again. Gravity grabs ahold of me, knocking me onto the bed with a deep thud. I start wheezing. My hands start to shake. I'm covered in a cold sweat, and starting to panic. I need to go see PG. He'll know what to do. Just like the last couple times.
I scramble out of my room and stumble through the doorway, tripping multiple times getting just to the edge of the cave. I hover for a second, coughing hard into my fist-already starting to go numb. I fly towards the Candy Kingdom, taking unplanned swoops and turns along the way.
Eventually getting to the candy castle, I look through several windows before finally spotting the pink prince dozing in his science lab. Thankful for his choice to keep all windows open during summer, I dive into the lab. At that point, everything had already been spinning like mad. I fell onto the floor, knocking some glass beakers over in the process, spilling neon yellow and dark blue all over the tiled floor. PG was slumped over on the table, his breath even and calm. Desperate, I crawled over to him and with a last effort, started tugging on his wrinkled white (well, technically it was a stained yellow by now) lab coat and yelling his name out in a croaky, hoarse voice that was somehow belonged to me.
"GLob DAMniT PG WakE UP yOu LITTle piEce OF Sh..."
"Okay, okay, I'm up! Just stop cussing," PG muttered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He took one glance at me and he was fully awake. I guess I must look like death on drugs or something by now, because PG springs up and runs to the hidden drawer right under his lab station to grab the box. I see Prince Pinky rushing over to me, telling me to stay awake.
I have one thought racing through my mind,'I hate having PG fix me, while I helplessly lay on the dirty, cold, hard ground, slowly dying of pain and disorientation an-'
Then darkness.
Hey! So, yeah, this is...yeah. Had a little trouble (well technically, still having) writing all of this out, so it's probably not as good as it could've been. But hopefully, y'all still like it and won't give up on me! Hope you guys had a great Halloween if you celebrated it, and if you didn't, then I hope you had a good day on October 31! Peace!

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