zach <the night after>

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You wake up with the sunlight shining on you coming from the balcony. You look and see zach not next to you. You move around, remembering you were naked.

You and Zach have been dating for 1 year and yesterday was the day he took your virginity. You were glad that he took it, you trusted him very much.

You look around and see a shirtless zach out on the large balcony, just looking out.

You quietly get up, put on your undergarments with one of zach shirt's over it.

You walk over to him, limping a little bit from last night, you smile even though it hurt, you smiled remembering the night.

"You're so beautiful." Zach says, as he kisses your lips. He moved down and started kissing your neck. He felt you tense. "Relax gorgeous, nothing to be afraid of. It's just me and you. Its always going to be me and you." You let him continue as he told you nothing but sweet things to you.

Flashback over

"Hey." You say, giving zach a hug from behind. "Hey, gorgeous." He says back.
"What are you looking at?" You ask.

"The sunset. How all the colors collide to make that perfect color of beauty." He was still looking out the window.

You guys stand there for a while, swinging back and forth.

He finally turns around and stares in awe of you wearing on his shirts.
"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you right?" He asks. "No, I'm fine. It hurts a little but I'm fine, bub." You kiss his cheek and walk back into the room.

"Hey hey, I need a kiss to start the day." Zach smiled. You smile at him and kiss his lips. He was enjoying the kiss as you pulled away. You grab his hand and lead him to the bed.

"Round 4?" He asks.
"Absolutely not. The boys are here and they're sleeping." You say.

Just as you said that there was a knock on the door

"Come in." He says. A sleepy jonah walks in and says "Next time, be quiet, poor jack got on sleep." He walks out as you and zach laugh.

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