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Patience is often seen as the ability to wait for long periods of time, but this is not all that defines Patience. It is also the ability to trust in others and yourself, to know that what you or someone else is doing is worth the things that you put into it.

Patience is one of the rarer soul traits, as it is human nature to be impatient. However, those with the soul trait can usually live quite happy lives. Many of those with the Patience soul trait can make good parents and teachers, as they are able to keep calm as needed.

Their soul trait, however, may also be their downfall. Trust in others is not always a good thing, especially when you put your trust in the wrong person.

Patience, much like other soul traits, is very useful in difficult situations, but at times, is not the correct way to respond.

Always be wary of those with a soul trait of Patience, as it is not always good to be patient.

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