13 : Rollercoaster

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:: Gerard Damien Long ::

The whole party had stopped, the music had ended, it was like something out of a movie. "Hodgy what the fuck is she talking about?" Gabby asked.

I had no words, the only thing I could do was look at Malaya. Gabrielle was tired of waiting, so she turned around and walked to the front of the house. "Gabbz wait!" I ran after her.

"Gerard just admit it! You cheated on me with her. She obviously has everything I don't, so you can have her! Tyler thanks for the party, really but I have to go." Tears were running down her cheeks. She grabbed Kaila and they left. I also sent Malaya and her friends home. I can't believe she just broke up with me. I went home as well. To my surprise, Gabby had already beaten me to it.

I walked in and she was taking everything that was hers. "G, please don't do this, I love you." I said.

"Gerard, you don't love me, you never have. If you did, we wouldn't be going through this. Go get your girl, don't worry about me. Have you some fun, I'll be alright. I've started over once I can do it again."

"That's the thing G, I can't. I can't live without you."

"Sounds like a personal problem. Have a nice life, Gerard Long." she said before closing the door. I fell to my knees and started crying. Not like a baby, but crying because my future wife just fucking left me. My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Hodgy. Yo I'm sorry for ruining everything today. Everything good?"

"Fuck no, she fucking left me. All because of you." I said.

"I'm sorry, but it's your fault. First off, I didn't know you had a girlfriend until you told me the next day! You got me high, and you didn't refuse." she retorted.

"Yeah you right, I'm sorry. It's my fault. Everything is." I agreed.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. She was good to you, but maybe you don't need her."

"I do need her, I can't live without her. I'ma talk to you later." I said, before hanging up.

I know how to ease the pain.

• • •

:: Kennedy Noelle Hall ::

Gabby and Kaila wouldn't stop crying. I'm not really good at comforting other people, but I tried to help the best way I could.

"And I really loved him! How could he have done this? He told me he'd wait on me to have sex!" she said, making herself cry even more.

"Gabby, I know you loved him. Hodgy was your world, and he opened you up to new things, but just don't blame yourself. You deserve so much better than a low-life pot head. I know me and LB may fight but he's a good one. Hodgy just isn't right for you right now. I actually know a dude that I used to work with that'll be great for you. His name's Chancelor, and he's cute." I said.

"Thanks, a lot Kennedy but I think I'm cool on relationships for a while. I think I'm gonna go to bed." she said before getting up.

"Kaila, you're pregnant for real?" I asked.

"Yes Kennedy, I am." she replied.

"Tell me, I wanna know."

"Well Domo and I had sex right before he went on tour, and now I'm three weeks pregnant. I missed my period and went to the doctor. When I heard that they were coming back into town, I planned to talk things out and try again at the party, but I ended up getting so pissed and yeah." she explained.

"When are you due?" I asked.

"September 30th." she said, blankly.

"We have time, I can't wait." I smiled. She weakly smiled back.

"Hey Ken I think I'm gonna go home, I need some rest." she said. I hugged her and she left.

Vy 😍💏💛 - Yo, everything good?

- Yeah, but Gabrielle and Kaila are going to sleep.

Vy 😍💏💛 - It's not good on my end. G is literally trying to commit suicide.

- What the fuck! I'll get Gabby and have her talk him out of it.

Vy 😍💏💛 - Please hurry, the niggas and I are trying to restrain him.

I ran upstairs to get Gabby. She was crying herself to sleep. "Gabrielle! We need to go like fucking now." I said, pulling her up. We got into the car and headed over Hodgy's.

"Kennedy what the fuck why are we here?" she asked.

"If you don't go in there now, someone could die." I said. She took a deep breath and we walked in there. We saw Tyler trying to hold him back from the alcohol and pills.

"TYLER LET ME GO! I GOTTA DO WHAT DO FOR GABRIELLE, IF SHE DON'T LOVE ME WHO WILL?" he was yelling, a voice I never heard him use before. Gabby simply poured all the alcohol out and took the pills with her.

"Gerard stop it! It's not fucking worth it! I'm just a bitch. Stop fucking being a big ass baby and deal with it! You and I seem to have nothing in common so it's pointless for us to be together. Grow the fuck up, you have a kid to worry about." she said.

Everyone looked at her like she just dropped a fire ass mixtape or something. "Come on Kennedy, let's fucking go." she said before slamming the door. I kissed Vyron and took her back home.

• • •

:: Gabrielle Zoe Brooks ::

Hodgy is so stupid, I didn't mean that much to him, did I? It know him and I had some unforgettable memories, but I'm not worth him trying to kill himself over me.

I'm just so tired of getting played by these niggas that claim they love me. I didn't believe the hype about being with rappers, but I guess it's true.

HB - If it's any consolation, we didn't fuck. We got high, kissed, and she topped me. That's it. I would never hurt you Gabrielle. And I'm sorry for acting an ass earlier.

- You know, I thought you were different from what everybody else said, "he's just another rapper." They were wrong yet they were right. It doesn't matter if you fucked or not. You cheated on me. Don't blame it on the weed, you knew it was wrong. Maybe at some point in our lives we'll be together but right now Gabrielle needs to focus on Gabrielle and Gerard needs to focus on Trent, Cortney, and Malaya.

HB - Malaya's not apart of that equation and you know it. She reminded me of you, that's why I chose her. What you're saying is right. It's gonna be hard for me to adjust but I deserve it. I love you.

- I'll always love you too. Bye.

HB - 😔 Bye.

Now that, that hurt me. Closing a chapter of my life that I didn't want to finish writing. I cried some more, this just can't be the end.

• • •

I know y'all probably mad at me and I honestly am sorry. I don't know why it took me this long to write this bogus ass chapter. But I'm working on the new chapter now.

Oh & Happy V-Day 😈💕💯🙈💖😋

That's Malaya in the MM. 💕😘

Stay Odd Niggys!

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