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I know many think I died, and I'm here to clarify that. I guarantee that everything I went through was just a drug frenzy and nothing more. I really got the feat of having a second overdose and spending a beautiful month in the hospital.

I've lost count of how much time I spent in one and I don't even care about counting. There are people who call the school second home for n reasons. I say my second home is the hospital. I spent a lot of time on my own and now on my own. But fortunately or unfortunately, I woke up and as usual I was sent to rehab. Before getting into rehab, I wanted to tell you how it all happened.

Well ... this time it wasn't Gia who found me, it was my mother. I even tried to imagine if her reaction was anger, amazement, sadness or all together and a little more, I stopped trying after a few and managed to ask her that question a few weeks after I was discharged, and oddly enough she answered Not entirely good, but better than I thought.

- Mom,I know it's a touchy subject but I've been in doubt for a while and I didn't have the heart to ask. But what was your reaction to finding me on the bedroom floor?

- Look Rue, it was pretty hard. I got home and there was no one, I looked for Gia and she wasn't home. And when I went to your room, I thought you were marathoning Love Island, but I found you lying on the floor in a way I never saw. she said with teary eyes.

- I remember I went to you, knelt down and started crying a lot. I thought I lost you all the time, so a force came from somewhere I can't explain and made you stop crying anymore, I grabbed my cell phone and called 911. At the time I felt several things, but the predominant thing was sadness , the anger and the feeling of not helping you more and monitoring you more. Leslie said, then leaned under the table and began to cry.

I said nothing more, just hugged her, kissed her and went to my room to finish watching.


I hate going to rehab and I really am addicted to drugs and I can't go without them for a long time. I'm trying very hard not to use it, I've already disappointed my mother twice and I want to avoid repeating it, and other than that I have to be double strong because I'm starting to think my sister will go the same way as I got her high. . But I know I won't be able to stay away long, not without Jules around, she was like my new drug you know. When I was with her, I didn't need anything else, she was enough, and now that she's gone, it's hard to find a replacement.

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