#6: Detective Bennett once again (part 2)

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I thought this was going to be one more passenger chapter, but I was wrong, I woke up thinking about Jules and I could have some more. Do you know when we're watching a cartoon and out of nowhere appears on someone's shoulder the angel and the demon!? So at this point I have them on my shoulder and I don't know who to listen to. Honestly, I'd much rather listen to the little devil and go soon to dogging Jules. But something inside me knows I have to listen to the angel to avoid certain emotions.

After a few minutes of this deadlock, I came to the conclusion that I will not hear either of them. I will listen, I will not dogging she is much less go to my room. In an attempt to forget these ideas, he goes for a bike ride after breakfast.

I remember very well that when I went out to hang out with Jules. Our like that was liberating, it seemed like I was trapped all this time and feeling the wind in my face made me leave the prison I built. And I can tell you how sure when I got on the bike it was as if the prison had opened the doors again and I was free.


I spent a lot of time on the street, and aimlessly too. I passed in several places but none aroused as many memories as going to stop in front of Jules ' house. Look, guys, don't judge me, you know, I didn't want to, when I saw I was out front and for days reasons I couldn't get back. The first is that, literally, I froze, I couldn't get on the bike and go out of there and the second is that Jules ' father saw me and came to me.

-Hi, Rue!
-Hi, Mr. Vaughn. How are you?
-Not very well, but I'm dealing
with one day at a time.
-Hmm, I hope this passes, I imagine comp being hard to have Jules away.
-Yes, it's really bad, Rue. The worst part is she doesn't answer my messages. She knows I get worried when I don't hear from her.
Look, I can help you, I'm not going to get Jules to talk to you, but I can come by every week and tell you where she's been or is, what you're doing, and other things you know. Everything she posts I come here and I tell you and we can take advantage of playing conversation out.
-Thank you, Rue, but I don't want to give you any trouble.
I'm feeling better if I can help you. Next week I'll come here, even more Mr. Vaughn.
-Bye Rue and thank you!

I got out as fast as I could from this conversation because I wanted to go home and dogging Jules soon. I know you guys must be thinking I'm self-saboting, I'm not. I'm just as guilty as any normal person would be. And another, I feel I have a duty to help you, I was the one who had the idea to run away and I didn't go. I have to hold him, even with information that Jules is alive and well

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