My Family

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We stay together
Even if there are bumps
Down Memory Lane- Author

Mary P.O.V

"Mary." Daddy asked as I turned my head towards the door seeing him open it and giving me a smile.

"Billy would like to speak with you." He said making me smile and whisper to my doll.

"I'll be right back." I told her before standing up and walk towards daddy. I grabbed hold of his hand as we walk down the stairs.

"Your becoming a big girl now." Daddy praises making me smile with pride and giggle. As soon as we made it downstairs, we walk to the living room to see Billy and Jacob looking at me with a smile on their faces.

"Hello sweetie. Come sit." Billy said patting his lap as I giggled letting daddy's head go and walk to Billy looking for a way to find to climb on.

"Here you go." Jacob lifted me up making me laugh and making plane noises before he places me on Billy's lap. The three of them laughed as I looked up to Billy who smiles down at me.

"I have three questions to ask you. First one is, where are your parents?" He asked kindly as I smiled.

"Mommy went to school to teach children and daddy is here with me." I said pointing towards Carlisle who smiled.

"Billy meant your other family, Princess." Carlisle tells me as I frown and thought about it.

"I don't know. I don't wemembew them." I said before tears began to flood my eyes as I started to cry.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Billy asked rubbing my back as I cry trying to wipe my tears away.

"I can't wemember...I...I'm bad." I cried as I felt myself being carried away and rock.

"Hey, hey it's okay. Don't worry, sometimes daddy doesn't remember somethings too." Daddy tells me as I whimper and look at him wiping my tears.

"W-weally?" I asked looking at him making him smile and nod his head.

"Of course, kids like you won't even remember what they did when they were born cause the brain is becoming bigger to store memories." He tells me as I listened to him more and pat my head with my hand.

"Like mine?" I asked making him nod smiling brighter.

"Yes, like yours. And when your brain grows bigger if you eat vegetables then you'll become stronger." Carlisle tickles my tummy making me laugh and so did he.

3rd P.O.V

"So, what do you think?" Jacob asked smiling as he watched the vampire and the little girl interacting.

"Seems to me that she will be fitting here just fine. There seems to be no problem with her at all." Billy sighed with a smile as he watches the two.

"Billy has two more questions left for you. Do you still want to answer them?" Carlisle asked and Mary nods smiling happily as he wipes her eyes dry before putting her gently back to Billy's lap.

Mary P.O.V

"I'm weady!" I said excitedly making Billy chuckle and look at me with a smile.

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