Day 3: Camping

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The sun shines
Upon those
Who gave sacrifice
To others- Author

Mary P.O.V

I watched from the couch as everyone moved back and forth asking each other if they have the keys, food, water or any other things.

"Whewe awe we going?" I asked out of curiosity as Jacob smiles down at me while he grabs two flashlights that were on the table in front of me.

"We are going camping." He tells me before leaving again.

"What's camping?" I asked again.

"Camping is an outdoor activity to bond with family and friends. We stay inside little tents at night and hike." Sam tells me as he walks back to his room and I nodded my head before eating my snacks.

"Do you have her clothes?" Billy asked as he wheeled out of his room with Emily helping him.

"Yep!" Jacob shouted from upstairs as Billy and Emily smiled down at me.

"How long awe we camping?" I asked looking towards Billy.

"Like 9 days at most." Billy replies.

"Who's idea to our camping anyway?" Paul yawned making Sam smack him at head.

"Your not ready?" Sam scolds as Paul growls rubbing his head.

"I just woke up! What would do you expect?" Paul rolls his eyes and Sam pointed back towards his room making Paul groan and walk back to his room to get ready which caused me to giggle.

"It was on Jacob's to do list for Mary's 2 weeks vacation." Emily answered Paul's question before looking towards Sam who was busy. She looked back at me as Sam glanced towards her before seeing me and smile then looking back towards his things.

"And how many days are we going to stay camping?" Jared asked as he checked his bags to make sure he had everything.

"About 6 days. We'll be back soon on Monday morning." Jacob answers walking downstairs with the bags as I get off the couch.

"Can I help?" I asked and Jacob smiles down at me.

"We got it sweetie." He tells me and kissed my head as I pouted at Jacob making his eyes widen.

"Uh-oh the pouty face." Sam teased as I kept pouting and whimpering towards Jacob.

"Okay, okay! Just carry your things to my truck." He sighs handing me my bag making me squeal and grab them excitedly as I ran outside.

3rd P.O.V

Everyone chuckled as Mary runs her way out with a duffle bag that is actually empty.

"You know, she's gonna kill you if she finds out that the bag you let her carry is empty." Paul jokes Jacob who rolls his eyes. And continuing to pack their things.

After they got everything ready, they all got out to their individual cars and began putting everything in their trunk. Jacob looked around for Mary and she was nowhere to be seen.

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