Floor is Lava

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Today is the day
We're the butterfly
Flies away- Author

Edward P.O.V- short chapter

As I came back from the hunt with Emmett, both of us walked towards the house as we heard a scream. We bolted quickly towards the living room panicking only to stop and see Mary and Jacob on the couch standing up.

"What the devil's gate are you two doing?" Emmett asked them weirdly as the two looked at us and Mary giggles.

"Playing the floor is lava." Jacob smiles sheepishly as I raised an eyebrow at both of them, well mostly Jacobs

"You? A 17 year old playing the floor is lava with a kid? Seriously?" Emmett asked chuckling as I shake my head, but a smile is plastered on my face.

"You two can never have a child's imagination huh? I mean you guys are dead so, it's not really expected for you guys to have imaginations." Jacob smirks as I glared at him and Mary looked down to the floor.

"Okay! Floow not lava!" She says before both of them got off the couch. I did notice that Mary had began to hang out with Jacob a lot more then usual which made me feel jealous as I growl lowly.

"I'm playing." I announced cause the three to look at me. Emmett gave a disbelief look before saying.

"You can't be serious, Edward. It's a child's game!"

"Come on, when was the last time you have a good child-like imagination?" I walked towards Mary as she gave me a hug making me hug her back while smirking at Jacob who glares at me before looking away.

"You kids have some fun. I'm going outside and enjoy the scenery." Emmett waves his hand away as he left.

"Alright, so what's the game called again?" I asked.

"Floor is lava. All you have to do is never touch the floor and you have ten seconds. If the ten seconds are gone then that means your out. Last man standing will be the winner." Jacob tells me as I nod my head.

"Oh and stairs count as floor too." Jacob points out again as I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, when are we gonna start?" I asked again.

"It's wandom. Like someone say the floow is lava then we get up to anything and if floow not lava then we do things again, but no cheating!" Mary shrugs as I nod my head again.

"Okay." I smiled as we did our own thing. As I was baking brownies I then heard a shout.

"Floor is lava!"

I quickly got up the counter careful not to spill any chocolate on the floor.

"I'm on couch!" Mary shouted.

"Dining table!"


"Floor is not lava!" Jacob shouted and I hopped down and began making brownies before putting them in the oven and starting the timer.

3rd P.O.V- 2 hours later

Everyone soon got home to find Edward on the couch along with Jacob while Mary is standing on the other couch.

"You guys are still playing?" Emmett groans as the three looked at them.

"No one, won yet." Edward shrugs as Emmett shook his head before looking towards Mary then back towards the two. Edward read Emmett's might, but there was nothing in it until Jacob and Edward were pushed off the couch by Emmett.

"Mary won." Emmett smiles making Mary squeal as the two glared at him.

"I won! Mommy, Daddy! I won!" She squealed happily as she ran towards Esme and Carlisle who laughs and gave her a hug. Edward growls as Emmett smirks and ran off with Edward close behind him.

"I better go home before I miss dinner." Jacob said and they nodded.

"Bye Jakey!" Mary waves as Jacob gave her a kiss on the head before leaving the house.

"Bye Mary."

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