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Keep your hopes up
Don't let others bring you down
I'm here with you- Author

Mary P.O.V

Edward rented us two motel rooms in Phoenix since it's midnight. One for me and Edward, one for Alice, Jasper and Bella while Bella asked why she can't have a room with Edward who simply replied and I quote, "I don't wanna cheat on my soulmate" which the look on Bella shock and upset while Alice and Jasper smirked. I couldn't help, but smile a bit and kissed Edward's cheek which made him smile and pulled me closer to him.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow morning." Edward tells Alice and Jasper as they smiled at us and nodded their heads.

"Have a goodnight, Darling." Jasper smiles as I smiled back at them.

"You guys too." And we went to our rooms. Edward dropped our bags down the floor as I sat at the edge of the bed sighing. Edward looks at me as I looked around the room.

"Hey, we will see them again. So don't think about those awful thoughts." Edward kneels in front of me gently caressing my hands together with his as I smiled at him.

"Okay, thank you, but seriously you are scaring me with your magic." I teased as he chuckles and kissed my cheek before standing up.

"Do you want anything to eat for dinner?" He asked.

"Yeah, just buy me something that's edible for humans and not a dead dear."

"That was one time okay. I didn't even mean to give that to you." He jokes as we both laughed.

"I'll be right back. If you want anything, THERES a vending machine downstairs and here's 20 bucks." He places 20 on my hand smiling up at me.

"I'll see you later, princess." He kisses my head and left my room as he shuts the door. I sighed and got up walking towards the window. I slowly opened the curtains and looked outside to see a familiar silhouette standing outside. I look closer before gasping and moved backwards with wide eyes.

No, no, no, it can't be. I thought as I heard the door opening making me look to see Jasper walking inside with a worried look.

"What's wrong? You're heart is beating like crazy me and Alice could hear it." Jasper asked as I pointed out the window which he quickly walked towards to.

"I-I saw him. He was right there." I told him as Jasper drew the curtains back peeking outside before looking towards me.

"Are you alright, darling?" He asked me and I nodded my head. He walked up to me and gave me a hug as I did the same. He calmed me down gently before pulling back.

"It's okay, Alice knew he was coming since he had seen a vision of him changing directions. The smell of Bella's jacket was probably a bad idea." He sighs as I calmed down.

"Stay in here and whatever you do. Do not let anyone inside. Alice, Edward, and I have keys to you're room. I'll go look for Edward and warn him, don't let anyone here." He tells me as I nod my head. He leaves the room and locked the door behind him. I sat down on my bed shaking a little.

Few minutes later, I hear the lock from the door being turned making me sigh knowing it's them. I stood up to greet them with a smile, but it soon faded as I backed away in horror. The door swung open with a blood covered James smiling devilishly towards me as he steps inside the room.

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