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Out of all the places in the world, he just had to be there. Little did she know, it was all part of a plan.

Her heart went from ache to anger once she realized who was by his side, Lisanna.

The bell rang signifying it was the end of the school day. Lucy was excited to go meet up with her boyfriend, Natsu, in the spot they always met. She was humming her favorite tune, 'Sparks Fly' by Taylor Swift making her way to the tree right by the little playground for the elementary school students.

She held her books close to her chest, looking at her surroundings and admiring how beautiful her school was. The sun was out, there was little to no clouds in the sky, it truly was such a perfect day. She stood for a second, taking in the heat of the sun on her pale porcelain skin, never breaking a sweat. Suddenly, she heard steps rushing behind her making her turn her head, it was Erza her dear redheaded friend. They've known each other for such a long time they consider each other family. Usually Erza held a smile each time she saw Lucy but this time she had a different expression, anger and a hint of guilt. "Lucy." She said firmly, "I um need you to come with me, quickly." Erza's attitude made Lucy a little taken back but followed her regardless. They walked back to the main building making their way to the principals office.

In the next ten minutes a broken Lucy came out of the office. Tears poured down her cheeks, denial in her face. Her body shook from such sadness. She exited with a smile which faltered the second she left the room. Only one name in mind, "mother..." She needed her beloved more than ever, it's a surprise she doesn't see him around, he probably doesn't know. In a instant she began searching for him, maybe he was doing the same.

Far in the distance she saw a couple, hopefully they can help her locate her boyfriend although they look really intimate and damn were they making out like animals, but something caught her eye, pink. Her running pace slowed down, her eyes staring in disbelief as to what she was witnessing. There he was, shamelessly devouring the mouth of another, they were 12 in the name of Mavis. She rubbed her eyes, maybe she was seeing wrong, there's no way he could do this to her. "Natsu." She heard herself say smoothly despite the turmoil going inside her mind, body and soul. The couple froze and turned to her, to which revealed what she was hoping to be a farce. "Luce." A shocked Natsu replied, not knowing what to do. Lucy's tears didn't hold back, she begged the Gods to take the pain she felt. First her mother passing away a few minutes ago and now she saw the love of her life, the boy she has been dating for TWO YEARS in the hands of the girl she despised the most. She looked up to the heavens, pleaded for the pain to stop.
The pain she felt shattered like glass, she heard if fall and she felt hollow. The light, love and warmth from her brown eyes vanished that instant. Her tears stopped falling and she felt as if her heart stopped beating. She cracked a fake smile and spoke, "have a good life." Turning on her heel making her way home. As if on cue, the Sun was covered in dark heavy clouds, the rain poured down on her. She didn't care, she couldn't feel. She was broken. And that moment she swore, "Never will I fall for another mans game, Natsu Dragneel, it's over."

~ End of Flashback~

Snapping back to reality, she clenched her hands shut, she only agreed to come to this stupid ass party because it was her friend who was throwing it and she very much needed the relief. If only she knew this whole set up was well, to set her up and a certain salmoned-hair man.

She gulped a shot and stared in anger towards the very happy couple who payed no interest in hiding their public display of affection. "Disgusting." She heard Erza to her left sliding onto a seat. "How can then even dare do that here? Swear I'm going to fuck up that idiot." Lucy couldn't help but check out her best friend, she was hot, like unearthly hot. Her red hair was straightened and reached up to her ass, her red lipstick made her face stand out, although she had dark brown eyes, her long lashes made them look so intriguing, her black opened toed stilettos showed her well manicured toes, let's not even get started on her outfit, a pantsuit that hugged her every curve, showing off what needed to show off. "Lucy if you keep looking at me like that I might seriously thing your les." Erza laughed looking at her blonde friend gawk at her.

"Erza, you look fucking amazing, I can't help it sheesh." Lucy laughed looking at her bestie start posing, nothing bad for the valedictorian. Jellal, Erza's somewhat 'friend' came to take her to dance, "toodles, and um don't drink too much Lucy, you know how you get and I don't want to be babysitting you again." Erza winked at her friend, laughing in the process. "Not making any promises." Lucy said under her breath, looking back at the couple she was killing in her mind. She looked down on herself, she wasn't looking all too bad either, her transparent heels showing off her perfect manicured toes, her hair also straightened, her smoky eye and red lip, and her favorite nude dress, it fit her like a glove, an unusual color to wear for a party, yes. But it made it seem as if she was butt naked giving her all the attention she wanted to get. She showed just the right amount of skin, yet she was drinking all alone, probably scared off all the men already. Pfft, pathetic. Men surely are useless unless for sex, fuck even for that some suck ass.

She positioned herself on the seat so it seemed like she was in a throne, she was the queen after all. Lucy Heartfilia, a beautiful woman who always got what she wanted, always seemed an angel no one really believing anyone who spoke bad on her name, and if someone did it followed by their disappearance or found dead. Not only was she the heir of one of the wealthiest companies in the world but she was leader of the dangerous Celestial Mafia, of course little to no one knew due to the fact that the boss's name was always unknown to other, unless they were close to the boss herself. To her left a young man with orange hair came up to her, a drink in hand, "Loke." She spoke simply, acknowledging one of her best commanders. "Boss, we have a situation." Lucy took a shot of tequila and gestured him to continue.

"The Archaic Family has come back, they're threatening to take back their territory if we, erm- you don't personally meet up with their boss, to discuss some terms." Loke took a sip of his drink, remaining in a poised manner. Lucy took another shot, eyes still on the happy couple burning bullets in their foreheads. She inhaled deeply and sat up, an annoyed look on her face, they wanted trouble? Trouble they would get.

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