Surprise, Bitch.

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Lucy just found out the gang wanting to overpower belonged to the one and only Natsu Dragneel. How will she take it now that she knows the man she hates is trying to take her out of business? >.>
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It's been a couple days since I saw her. I haven't been able to sleep since. The pain and anger in her eyes were burned into my mind. Her lips lingered on mind, her words, 'I hate you Natsu Dragneel.' Dammit to Hell.

It's been years, like 8 damn fucking YEARS! She's so petty sheesh. Although I can't blame her. I was so fucked up, I regret it to this very day.

The bell rang indicating school was over. Natsu hated school more than anything, the only part he loved was when he was with Lucy. He loved her so much, even though he was young he knew he wanted to be with her forever. He was excited to see her and she was probably already waiting for him near their tree. Gosh he loved that girl so much. On his way to his destination he was interrupted by a crying Lisanna.
"Lis, hey, what's wrong?" He was very concerned over his dear friend. Everyone knew Lisanna has always had it for Natsu but he had turned her down more than, well anything, still that doesn't mean he's going to be an ass and leave her crying. "N-Natsu, I um I just got bullied again. I hate my life I want to die" Lisanna cried out loud, covering her face with her hands. Lisanna has always been a friend to him so it made perfect sense when his blood began to boil hearing her words. "Don't you ever say that again, you hear me? Dammit Lisanna you need to stand up for yourself girl." Natsu tried to comfort her as much as he could but his mind was on Lucy, he wondered if she was missing him or even looking for him. Still, he wasn't going to abandon Lisanna knowing she was being suicidal, damn was he dealing with life much sooner than he should have.
He was so distracted in his own mind that he didn't realize Lisanna was kissing him, hard. Where the fuck does she have this sudden strength? He began to panic and wanting to push her away, then something overcame him, he began to kiss her back. He didn't know why, he couldn't comprehend it but he just needed it, he felt the need to kiss the girl in his arms. Two seconds later and he was lost out of his mind he didn't realize they were being watched. "Natsu." Lucy's voice woke him up from the trance, but it was too late. He lost her, and he didn't stop her from leaving.
Later that day he found out about Lucy's mother passing away, more like getting killed. The mafia was no game and her life was a price to pay. Natsu felt disgusted with himself and unfortunately for him Lisanna went about telling everyone what had happen and how he supposedly was going to take care of her. He was just 12 and has the responsibility over another life. That day he decided to leave, and take the woman who dragged him into the mess with him.
~End of Flashback~

I felt like an absolute mess. Like shit. I saw her and she said she hated me. Such a great start. I smacked my forehead. Right now though, I was supposed to be having fun and making connections as well and getting information. Sure I returned to fix things with Lucy but more importantly I came back to take back what's mine. I need to know who this "Queen" was, what a stupid surname, can't she thing of anything better? "Salamander." Ah yes, now that's a surname worthy of a prize. I look towards Gajeel, a top leader of my gang, also one of my best pals. "Give me good news." Gajeel looked away from me, seeming to rethink how to phrase what he was going to tell me. "Aye, why don't you just lay it on me, ion care or shit." I shrugged it off. Gajeel shook his hair and walked closer to me, so only I can hear him. "I tried to find information on this woman, seems as thought everyone is terrified of her cause ain't no one budging." I looked at him, getting pissed off at this woman already. "Then get em to talk pal." I told Gajeel to which he replied with his typical "Ge-hee, on it boss." I simply smirk, she won't see me coming.

I look back at Lisanna, ugh there she goes on bragging. Seriously the only reason I kept her was cause her brother and sister and like gone. Poof, off the phase of the Earth, been looking for them but I haven't gotten lucky. Ever since I got her I kept feeling like I got someone looking at me but everytime I try to see who I can't find anyone. Real annoying. Getting thirsty I headed to the bar which seemed empty.

"Four shots of vodka please." I told the waiter. He looked familiar but he kept his head down and face out of view. "5 more for me, cause I ain't a pussy like him." I heard someone say, making my head snap towards the source, when I find out who the fuck just talked to me like- "holy fucking shit." I stated instead of thinking it. There she was, in all her glory, Lucy, my Luce. She looked hot as fuck. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she looked so dangerous as she kept taking shots. "Fuck off, give me 5 more shots bartender." I said seriously, trying to sound tough and intimidating. I just heard her laugh, damn that laugh brought back too many memories I wanted to forget. And I realized, I still love her.

"Pussy then, pussy now." She slurred to me. Yeah, she was drunk all right. She sat straight up in her seat, her face went serious and she stared at me, throwing daggers and probably cutting off my head in her mind. I simply looked away and worked on my shots taking them one by one. Holy fuck were they strong. I was getting buzzed and I just started. I looked over to her, just to find her making out with a blonde man. I have never wanted to kill someone as much as I want to kill him. I took more shots just trying to distract myself from the fact that the woman I'm obsessed with is literally next to me making out with another man, and oh boy was I pissed and honestly kind of turned on. I turned to face her and saw her push off the guy, wiping her lips and facing away from the blonde asshole to take another shot.

She's so different. I see her but I don't. Her brown eyes that always held light and warmth, were cold and dark. I've always kept tabs on her, even though I was far away and I knew about the things she would do. How she would date men left and right only to use them and break their hearts. Every time I felt sick to the stomach knowing that the reason she did this was because of me, but damn is she petty as fuck. I hated to know that she hurt others only because if what I did to her and I know I can't change the past but I can for sure change the future and that is what I intended to do, to stop her from doing this to herself and others.


His stare on me was getting annoying. Yes, I was fucking drunk but I kissed Sting on purpose and because I wanted him to watch me. I couldn't help but feel turned on to be honest, his possessive eyes on me made me feel so hot. Damn it, I haven't seen him for years and I'm seriously getting turned on by him? Get it together Lucy. You hate him. I hate him and he needs to suffer for this pain, petty as it sounds but when your mother dies and you find the guy who you thought was going to be by your side forever in the arms of another girl your world shatters, and you stay broken, forever. And that deserves a shot. Taking another shot I decided this will be the last one. I turn my head towards the direction of where that asshole was at and I took in a deep breath because he was right up in my face. I could smell him, that clean dark oak scent that made me relax once upon a time, his onyx eyes which held a fire in them that burned me each time. I ATTEMPTED to look at him just how I saw every man who tried at me, coldly and bored. "What do you want?" I turned to see the rest of the people in the party, making eye contact with Erza who had a smirk plastered on her lips that made me roll my eyes and try to look elsewhere. "I want you." he replied to me after some time which made me look back at him in an instant. Then it all hit at once, all those shots I had hit me all at ocec making me tumble forwards. My people on alert coming to me but I just rose my hand up to make them settle down, "Water, NOW." I yelled to the bartended and he quickly passed it me. How fucking embarassing, I needed the alchohol to get out of my system, ignoring Natsu asking me if I was okay, I grabbed Sting who was close to me and took him to the dance floor. I had to get rid of the alcohol in my system one way or another. Sting didn't seem to mind me all over him, grinding and pressing myself on him. I wasn't having fun, this was just necessary for me to get sober. I kept focused on the music surrounding me and closed my eyes when I felt a hand grab my arm and I opened my eyes to see this fucking asshole dragging me away to a room. "What the fuck Natsu! Don't you ever touch me like that." I looked at him very pissed off. He faced me and I melted then and there. His eyes were full of lust and possessiveness. His eyes were always my weakness. "Don't you ever fucking do that again." He spoke in such a dangerous tone, no wonder he was the leader of the Archaic gang, I'd be terrified if I wasn't a leader myself. "Do what?" I taunted. He came up to me and man this tension is driving me crazy. "Lucy, ever since we were kids you've been mine, nothing will ever change that. You are mine." He looked at me in my eyes then down to my lips. I laughed sarcastically but his reaction took me by surprise.

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Dun dun duuunnnn
Cliff hanger huh.

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