Good Enough?- requested by Anastasia (Conor)

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A/N: bold & italics are lyrics from the song

Y/N's POV:

Even before Conor and I made our relationship official, I was already insecure and worried that one day he would wake up and realize that he could do way better than me. He has so much passion, talent, dedication and just such an amazing point of view when it comes to the world. I always felt like I was no one in comparison to him. I mean why would he choose someone who is just a regular girl

Your smile, your voice
Creeps inside my heart with everything you do
I have no choice
Loving you is all that I know how to do

Even on the days where I want to give up and go back to being someone who no one knows or seen as just Y/n instead of Conor's girlfriend, I can't help but fall more and more in love with him. It's the way he smiles, his voice and just everything he does. Falling in love with him might have been the easiest thing I've ever done in my life and it's all I know how to do now.

Even when you knew it was heavy
You was still holding me up
Even when you were in pieces
You would hold me together
Even though I was your baby
You always saw the fight me
When no one there was there to hold my back

Dating Conor was like dating my own knight in shining armour. He always saved me from my own thoughts when I was overwhelmed with feelings of not being good enough for him. Even when he is struggling with his own moments of self-doubt and insecurity he always put me first and I think that's why it was so hard for me to see why he even had any interested in me. I'm needy, insecure, clingy, untalented and just overall a regular girl. I can't even understand 90% of what he talks about when it comes to music.

I just don't get it and maybe that's why I started to distance myself from him. It's pretty easy to do so at the moment since he's on tour. We went from texting and calling all day to a call whenever I could sum up the courage to talk to him. It was easy at first because I would just use school as an excuse but soon enough he started to notice something else was the reason behind the missed calls and late responses.

I was just sitting at my kitchen island when I heard a knock on my front door. I put my pen down and get up to answer it to see none other than Conor himself standing at my door. "Why have you been so distant and ignoring my calls and texts?" he asks as soon as I open the door.

"What do you mean? I've just been busy with school." I say quietly while letting him step inside.

"That's complete bull. What's the real reason? You know I can tell when you're lying so why bother?" he says while grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards the island.

"You're going to think it's stupid so don't worry about it. I'm fine. We're fine."

"You know nothing you say or think about is stupid to me. We've gone through this before. Come on Y/n, just tell me. I flew all the way here so we can talk in person. You at least owe me the truth."

"Ok. Well I guess lately I've just been feeling like I'm not worth your time? Like you could do so much better and especially as the bad continues to grow in popularity. You could probably get any girl you want because you're so talented, smart, caring, strong and just such a cool person you know? I just don't get why you choose to stay with me when I have so many flaws, insecurities and just am overall such an average girl."

"Just stop right there. Don't you get it? Don't you know that I choose you over anybody else? When you're not around it's just bad for my health. I'm good on my own, but with you I'm something else. You're telling me to choose up, but I already choose you. You're the girl for me. I don't care about your flaws or insecurities because those are the things I love most about you. You've been here for me and you've helped me through all of my struggles and moments of doubt. You're it for me. There will never be anyone better for me. Just stop trying to runaway from this relationship because I'm not letting you go. I know you're scared and worried but there will never be a day where I stop loving you ok? I choose you." with that he pulls me into his arms.

"I love you Y/n and I'll never stop loving you even on our hardest days. You have all of me and there's no one else I'd rather give my all to."

"I love you too Conor. Forever and always."


A/N: Sorry this took a bit longer to get out. My weekend was crazy busy with attending a wedding and celebrating thanksgiving among other things. Anyways, hope you liked it!

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