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I'm not gonna write a warning every single chapter since that means writing down warnings every single chapter, all of them are in the description

The proloque is heavily inspired by my life because I'm not creative

That's why it's crappy


Zak was a 15 year old freshman that would always be ignored in school. People from his class usually avoided talking to him, that was understandable in his opinion. One of the reasons why they did so was probably because he'd often say stuff which nobody in his class understood (aka memes).

Most of the students knew each other already, so they stayed in their groups of friends. Of course, Zak wasn't one of them. He also wore hoodies all the time, that wasn't appreciated by many teachers. They often told him to take it off as no hats are allowed in school, including hoods. This would draw attention to him, his classmates would turn around to look at him, then back to their friends, quietly laughing. That annoyed him more than everything, which is why he remembered what teachers wouldn't allow him to wear hoods. Whenever he'd see one of them, he took his hood off because he didn't want people to dislike him just because of that. Probably seems dumb, but he didn't care about other people's opinions. He kept a pretty good reputation, which also helped him with grades.

Zak once took an IQ test, it was one of the teacher's ideas. Without any accuracy, according to that test, he had a high IQ, but he didn't believe that at all. He was always unorganised and careless. He would do homework at school or in the morning 90% of the time, be late for his lessons, forget about tests etc. The only lessons he went through with ease was english and math. He had a 'mathematical brain' and that was the only thing that might've been true. He never had any troubles with math, he even signed up for some project thing.

The project made no sense - you'd get money for learning and attending the lessons in may. There was 20 of them in the whole school year. If you chose biology, chemistry or physics, you had to make an application and send it, but if you chose math, you'd only need to write a test. The day of the test was over two weeks ago but nobody got the results yet.

There was one lesson he hated the most.


Why, you may ask?
Well, he had seven scars that he made on his hand, and on PE, you obviously can't wear long sleeves, so he hated every single time they had that lesson. He stopped hurting himself after realizing people might get the idea. He wanted to open up, even if it was to a person he barely knew, but knew he couldn't do it, they'd either tell somebody or try to get me a therapist.

He didn't cut because it helped. It clearly didn't, doing that only makes things worse. Zak did it because he thought he deserved it. It was weird, trying to become more depressed just so he'd have the courage to kill himself. He had no person that he could trust enough to open up to them, which wasn't good for him at all.

His self-diagnosed depression probably wasn't real and he knew it, but he didn't want to believe it.


This is a piece of crap and I have no clue why I'm making this but I am

it's also long as heck for a proloque (531 words without this)

if you read this whole thing

thank you
also please tell me if I made any mistakes cuz I probably did

thank youalso please tell me if I made any mistakes cuz I probably did

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