Chapter 1

312 13 71

I suck in normal everyday conversations so this won't be good


Monday, 14th 2019

I wake up to my alarm, wondering what time it is. My sleep schedule is strange, I fall asleep at midnight and wake up at 2-4 AM. School starts at 8 AM, so between the hours, I do my homework, watch Youtube videos, play Minecraft. At 7 AM, I start getting ready to go and around 7:20 AM I wake up my sister, get out of the house and walk to school. It's the same routine every single day.

Maybe today will be different.

No, what am I thinking?
Nothing's gonna change.
It never does.

What should I do after school?
I'll probably play Minecraft.

I walk intro the school and head to the lockers to get my stuff, zoning out on my way. I broke out of it when I suddenly bumped intro somebody.

I feel pain on my side but decided to ignore it, knowing it's from this midnight's self harm. I haven't done it in a while, but got back intro the habit.

Looking up, I realised I bumped intro Darryl.

I'm not friends with him or anything like that, I only know him because he's in the students' council.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" Darryl said while helping me up.
"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention." I anwsered and started walking away.

He went after me which was kind of unusual for me, but typical for him. Darryl always kept a good reputation - he made as much friends as possible so he doesn't have a lot of enemies.
"I haven't really seen you before. Are you new? What's your name?"

Bruh moment.

"I'm Zak and I've been here for a year, so I'm not really that new."
I don't have anything else to say, just like usual.

Even asking people about what grade they're in or their age seems weird to me. Back in middle and elementary school, I was in a class with people that were also a bit socially awkward, which obviously affected me too. Girls would be against boys and the other way around. My friend once told her friends that she has a crush on me, but they never kept her secret. That made us both awkward around each other, as whenever we'd talk, the girls would say that we were in love and stuff like that. It was happening even after rejecting her. She completely accepted it, but the classmates wouldn't stop trying to change my mind. They still continued bugging us.

Enough about these years, back to the conversation.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize. I'm Darryl!" he said cheerfully.
I have nothing to say, I'm too socially awkward for this, so I stand there, thinking of something to say, when suddenly the bell rang. I run to my lockers, luckily he doesn't follow me. After quickly getting my stuff I run towards my classroom, forgetting I have my hoodie on and so, when I walked intro the class, I get a warning from the teacher.

After the lesson (Who wants to read about class-)

I walk out of the room and go back to the lockers to get the books for the next lesson. While searching for them, somebody grabs my shoulders and I hear a low "boo" which makes me slighty jump.

I immediately realize who it is, nobody else talks to me for no reason at all. He starts laughing, so do I. "Hey Darryl!" I say when we finally stop. I really didn't expect anybody to talk to me. We awkwardly stand in silence for a moment.
"Uhh... What was your name again?" I chuckled at his question, of course he'd forget, he knows too much people. "It's Zak." "Alright then, let's hope I don't forget again. How are you, Zak?" "Bad as usual, you?" his face changes to a confused expression for a couple seconds.
"Why bad? Did something happen?"
"Nope, nothing. What about you?" Every day is bad for me, I sit alone all the time so it's boring as hell.
"I'm good. Also, are you going to that English contest? If so, it's on the 7th lesson in class 22." he tells me me.
"Yeah, I'm in it. I probably won't get any good scores but decided to try anyway."
"Hey, don't say that! I'm sure you'll do great."
I like it when people give me compliments or something similiar, but I never know how to react to them so most of the time, I deny them.

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