Chapter 3

191 8 27

Wednesday, 16.10.2019

Darryl's POV
I'm confused. Nobody knows why Zak's gone or where he went. The last time I saw him was when he was walking towards the lockers in a hurry. Haven't seen him ever since.
I shouldn't worry too much. Maybe something happened. Maybe he's just sick.

Zak's POV
I wake up. Wow, how did I manage to fall asleep in here? What time is it, is school still going? I hope so.
3:14 PM

Alright, half an hour before the end, I should probably start heading home.

I walk quick as usual, listening to music and looking around me. The tone of my surroundings changes from colorful and calm landscapes to plain, perfectly planned sets of buildings. The smell of smoke fills my lungs again. I hate it.

A couple minutes later, I'm home, once again, nobody else is here. I don't really feel like doing anything. I have to, through. I need to fill up the empty spaces in my notebooks unless I wanna get an F. But, just like always, I don't wanna contact any of my friends. They're probably busy and will get annoyed if I ask. I'll think about it later. I haven't slept enough for a pretty long time, it's getting pretty tiring and everybody thinks I have depression, but I'm just sleepy. I mean, they're not wrong after all.
Which lessons do I have tommorow?

1:00 AM

I hear that my mom's here. If she knows that I'm awake, I'm screwed up.

I turn off my PC, checking my charging phone's battery.
Alright, that's good.
I change and lay down on my bed. I just feel numbness. I'm not sleepy either.

In the morning, 7:00 AM

I haven't slept today at all. I have more friends in the internet than in reality, and since timezones exist, I stay up texting them. The funny thing is that I'm used to being alone since nobody in my school wants to spend time with me.

...Maybe except for Darryl.

No, he just does that out of pity, doesn't he? That's what everybody did before leaving me behind.

He'll probably be the next one to do it. They all do that. Befriend me, manipulate me and abandon the friendship as if it never existed in the first place.

I should stop opening up to people so easily. Especially to the ones that I barely know. I keep doing this carelessly and then regretting it.

Oh, I'm overthinking again. Guess that's what happens when you don't get enough rest.

I need to get ready, either if I'm going to the treehouse or school.

Am I going to school today?

There's no PE, but the sleeves barely even cover the scars I made, so somebody could see them, even if they don't intend to.

I'll go, what's the worst thing that can happen? Nobody cares about me anyway.


7:42 AM

I finally get to school. My backpack looks kind of stuffed, I took a second, colder hoodie in case I'm too warm. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to wear a short sleeved shirt while having sliced wrists.

I have a slight headache. That's gonna be annoying if it doesn't stop.

Walking towards the lockers, I see a few faces I recognize. I'm not friends with any of them, most of them hate me, actually.
I start searching through my stuff when I hear a cheerful "Hi Zak!".
"Oh, hello!" I anwser after a moment. What's up with me today? I can barely focus. Maybe it's because of the lack of sleep. I should've went to that treehouse and rested instead. Might skip classes later just to do that.

Darryl tilted his head, his expression slightly worried "Are you okay? You look pretty tired."
"Yeah, I just haven't slept tonight."

I said too much, he'll probably tell somebody. I need an excuse.

But I don't have any.
"I don't know, just a bad sleep schedule, I guess it's showing now, isn't it?"

He sighed. I'm probably annoying when I avoid clear answers.

"Yeah, it is. Why weren't you in school, if it's okay to ask?"

The scars.

"I was just sick."

He doesn't seem to believe it. I'm pretty sure the teachers saw that he talked to me and asked him about the reason I was absent. They probably also contacted my mom, she doesn't know anything about it.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Why are you so curious?" I say, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"What are you even sorry for? There's no reason to be."

"I don't know, I guess I'm just used to it."

I take everything I need from the locker and close it "I should head to class, bye!"

He seems to hesitate, but after a moment, he answers "See you later!"


Once again, please correct me if there are grammar mistakes
sorry for the short chapter

(805 words without this)

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