Chapter 4

186 10 59

Note: this is heavily inspired off of my life but I don't cut

Zak's POV

I walk towards my class, overthinking. It's been happening more and more often and it's getting annoying. I feel like I'm gonna have more and more mental breakdowns.

I didn't even finish my school work. Everybody will be dissapointed in me, won't they? That never changes through.

My family won't understand me either. I can't blame them for anything, after all, I caused this upon myself. I don't even trust them enough to open up, which is just stupid of me. I have so many unfinished assignments.

They're right.

This is what I get for not doing the work I should've.

Why am I blaming them? It's my fault.

They didn't do anything wrong.

I need to stop overthinking, I literally feel like I'm about to cry for no reason. I most certainly don't want a meltdown in front of everybody.

I sit down, leaning against the wall. Sometimes I wish I was better in hiding my emotions. Meanwhile, I look tired and depressed all the time, it gets pointed out so much that I can't even count all the times.

I hate being in the center of attention, everytime it happens, I feel exposed and awkward. Knowing how many people dislike me doesn't really help.

Nobody is as smart as you'd expect, including the teachers. Only one of them noticed that something's wrong, and instead of asking me if I'm okay in privacy, she did it in front of everybody. And the students? Either they don't see it, only caring about their friends, or they know but decide to ignore it.

I'm giving out so many hints that are cries for help, yet they still don't realize.

I don't understand why I have such high expectations of them. Of course they don't care about somebody that's quiet and doesn't think of anybody as a friend.

I don't even deserve anybody to care about me, why would I expect that?

I hear one of my classmates talking about a short test I didn't know about, just like the usual. The topic is simple and easy, so there's no need to worry about that. The bell rings as the students walk intro their classrooms. I sit down and unpack all my stuff.

We don't have French today so there's a second math right after this one. The teacher starts talking about some group project. I hesitate a bit before asking:

"Can I work alone?"

There was an uneven number of students to have equal groups, so she only answers with:
"Perfect! Now for the short test..."
She explained everything and started handing out the pages, stopping in front of me "You were gone for a bit, do you wanna write it today or on a different day?" "I'm writing it today." I say as she hands me the page and continues what she was doing.
Soon, we finish and give her the papers.
She starts putting us into random groups, when suddenly, the bell rings.

There's a second math after the break, so I'm the only one to take my backpack with me.

Dammit, I feel like crying again.

Quickly, I run to the bathroom stall, failing to stop my tears.

Why am I like this?

Overreacting all the time.

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