Mr.Sensitive to Mr.Playboy

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Kishore's Pov

If My Boss's Great Grandfather didn't took that Ship to Portugal may be My Boss's Story would have been Happened completely different.

But ..That's How it happened.

By the way,I didn't introduce My Boss Family..

My Boss's Elder Sister Swarna - The Bad Cop..She Nags Everyone very badly.

My Boss's Younger Sister Rupa - The Good Cop

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My Boss's Younger Sister Rupa - The Good Cop ..She will also Nags in sweet way..But My Boss loves her So much..

But My Boss loves her So much

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But these two equally Brutal..

Last But not Least, My Boss's Mother Radhika - She is only the Head to the family, According to the Situation she will behave Good and Bad Cop..

Last But not Least, My Boss's Mother Radhika - She is only the Head to the family, According to the Situation she will behave Good and Bad Cop

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My Boss First Crush when he is 19 Years old.

She was my Boss's Biggest Turning Point.

Her Name is Dora..No, Kara..No,Bora....No,No,.. That name is ..Tara.

Yes,Her Name is Tara

Past (At Vishwa's Mother House)

Nayantara as Tara

Mr. Playboy (He Hate Marriage) - Pranushka StoryWhere stories live. Discover now