A 39 Years Man don't want to marry and don't want to fall in Love.But his Family members pressurised him to marry before his 40th Birthday.So, to escape from Marriage, He hired one Girl as His Girl Friend.Did he escaped from marriage? Did he changed...
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At Vishwa's House
Vishwa came to his house with irritation
Vishwa (Inner Voice) : Chi..Chi..My Plan got flop..Looking like My time is running very bad..When I am trying get ride of this marriage, This Rupa wanted to play with my kids? Why me?
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Sowdarya asked Vishwa on seeing his irritation
Sowdarya : Visu..What Happened?
Vishwa : Nothing..Our Flop got Flop..
Sowdarya : How?
Vishwa : Nothing..Just leave the Topic..
Sowdarya : Fine...You said Tomorrow is Rupa Birthday right? Tell me, What Gift she will like?
Vishwa repiled in irritation
Vishwa : Rupa wanted to play with our Kids? Will you give?
Sowdarya became shock and confused for this
Sowdarya : What? What are You talking?
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