At Hospital
Vishwa's mother Radhika and his Sister Swarna went to Hospital for Radhika health Check up
Swarna asked Radhika after Check Up
Swarna : Amma, What did the Doctor said?
Radhika : Whatelse..Nothing New " You Have Blood Pressure, Diabetics..You don't have to eat that one , this one" like that..
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Swarna : You Never say anything straight..
Radhika : These Doctors should stop giving Medications to me..I know, My Time is Up..
Swarna : Amma..!! Stop talking like that..Nothing will happen to you..
Radhika : I have seen Everything in my life, I want nothing more..
Swarna : Really? Didn't you want anything more?
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Radhika : My Vishwa!! He is Foolish man. He doesn't know how to cherish things in his life.
Swarna : Yes Amma..I am also thinking that only..
Radhika : He didn't give value for our love and caring on him..Don't know when he will know that?
Swarna : He will, Amma..Eventually, He will..
Radhika : Eventually? That's what I am afraid of..What If I die before that? It will be very difficult for him..
Swarna : Amma..Please..
Radhika : The Day one Girl loves him like we do..Then only I can be Happy for him.
Swarna : But, We are trying for that from long time, Will he agree for this now?
Radhika : I have to do something, Let him come Tomorrow, this time I won't leave him till he agree for Marriage..
Swarna : I don't have hope, Amma..Some Angel Have to come down to change him..
On Evening, Lisboa, Portugal
Kishore came to One Restaurant in Lisboa..He is waiting for the Receptionist in that Restaurant

Mr. Playboy (He Hate Marriage) - Pranushka Story
RomanceA 39 Years Man don't want to marry and don't want to fall in Love.But his Family members pressurised him to marry before his 40th Birthday.So, to escape from Marriage, He hired one Girl as His Girl Friend.Did he escaped from marriage? Did he changed...