Mike x reader

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Your name is Kelly. You have known Mike since birth. You have feelings for him until something unexpected happens. 
Italics~ flashback/thought
Bold~ authors note
                      Kelly's POV

"Hey" I turned around and saw Mike"oh hey " "what's wrong?" "Nothing" Truth is there is something is wrong,but he wont care. I caught some feelings for Mike but I know that he has feelings for el. I gave nothing against el,truth is I am jealous of her. I know he will never like me especially with the secret I have.

"Oh ok...?" There was this awkward silence so I decided to tell him my feelings. "Uh actually Mike there is something i have to tell you..." "Ok what?" "Um... well I kinda,maybe sorta like you but i know you dont like me and i probably broke this friendship but i just wanted to tell you. And I know you like el and next to her I look like nothing and I totally understand if you dont feel the same."

There was this silence. "I am just gonna leave." I started walking off until someone grabbed my wrist and spun me around. Before I had time to comprehend what was going on I felt lips on mine. Before I could respond. He pulled away. "I like you too." "You do?" "Yes so will you be my girlfriend?"

Finally got this first oneshot done! Sorry it is short I just had to get something out! Should I continue this yes or no cause I feel like I shouldn't so it is up to you! But till then peace out!!

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