I had time at school to update this chapter.
Thank you for following and favouriting.
Thanks to jscat2 and justicerocks for the reviews.
I sperated the paragraphs. I looked at a fanfiction of yours justicerocks.
I hope you like it all.
You dated another woman and broke up.
I saw my chance and lost again.
I was so jealous and then she died.Matt Casey and I became friends, best friends. It was one day and it changed all!
It was tragedy and I was there in your darkest hour.
Trying to make it better.
Did I make it better?I never believed in true Love or Love at first glances.
But I met you and all made sense
All the songs, all the love stories.Days passed again and Dawson told Shay everything.
This was a long talk during their shift because many calls interrupted them.
At the end of the shift I felt sad. He avoided me most of the day.
I wanted to be alone, watching a film and eating ice cream would be the best.
But she decided other.
After sitting half an hour in her living room on her couch she gets up.
The glass full of wine she put away and changed into her black dress that she loved.
She wanted to go out, having fun and forget the feelings she has toward Matt, who seems unreachable at the moment.
She wanted so badly to forget him but she can't her feelings are strong. Stronger than she ever thought.
She clutched her purse and her keys and opened the door.
And then you stand there.
Unsure what to do.
Then it happened.
My dream came true.In shock I stand there.
Couldn't believe who is standing in front of me.
He stand there, unsure what to do next.
As I wanted to ask him what you want, his lips were pressed on mine.
It was a moment full of passion and surpressed feelings towards each other.
She hasn't thought that this would ever happen.
As they broke the kiss for much needed air Matt saw a lonely tear streaming down her face.
Did he something wrong?
He backed off and he still held her in 'place to talk, don's wanting to break the touch.
"Shh Gabby. Keep calm!" He said and she looked him in his beautiful blue eyes and saw the truth.
Her dream came true.
Matt was kissing her! In her house.
"I...never believed...this could...happen." I said and began to kiss him again. He lifted me up in his arms, kissing me and whisper sweet nothing in my ear.
I fell in love at the very first day.
Couldn't stop the feelings.
Couldn't stop the feelings.We woke up the morning after and I was insecure.
I don't want to ask right away if this was a onetime thing or not.
She wanted so badly to be more than his best friend.
She lies there beside him as he began to stir and he began kissing her neck and shoulders.
"Should I do some breakfast? I could make pancakes or eggs.
Or do you have some other things to do?" I said in a rush.
Afraid of the answer.
"Shh Gabby. Breakfast would be nice." He said.
"Is...this a...one thing time?" I asked trying to hide that I'm afraid of the answer.
"I had the change a year ago and blew up and I regret it ever since.
As long as I'm concerned...it's our time now!" He said and kissed me soft and gentle on my lips.
I smiled. My dream came true.
I was happy and my eyes filled with moisture.
Soon after a tear made the way down my cheek.
Matt looked in my eyes and confusion grow.
"Baby...what's the matter?"
He called me Baby
That was to much for one night and I began to cry.
He was confused, really confused.
Did he do something wrong?
He soothed her and as she finished crying he asked again.
"Baby what's wrong?"
She looked him in the eyes and began to speak.
"It's... it's just...I have...never thought...this would happen...and....yet, you are here...and...you call me...baby. It's too much for me right now."
"It's okay Gabs...shouldn't I call you baby?"
He asked not wanting to hurt her.
Now she was the most important thing in his life. Sure he loved Hallie with his heart. But she's gone and he needed to move on.
"No Matt...the thing is, I like you, a lot and I never thought that we will be together someday. Mhm umm, it may sound silly, but...ugm...would you mind...if...I call...you...baby?"
She felt Silly for asking such a question.
"Gabby Baby, sure you can call baby. I really do like you a lot too." He said and them kissing me soft on my lips again.
I already loved to kiss him.
We broke the kiss for air and we heard our both stomach grumbling. "Time for breakfast,"
We kissed and got together.
We were happy and then you need to play a hero.
You almost died and my heart would be broken.It was a day I feared most. A warehouse fire.
A real tragedy.
The lifes of the whole crew on 51 was in danger.
Everybody thought this would be a normal call and then the explosion. All were injured beside Boden. His wedding suit was dirty and he was shocked.
"Mayday, Mayday. I need immediate backup for firehouse 51. Warehouse explosion. Casey...Severide...Dawson...!" nobody answered and the only thing rightnow he could do was waiting.
Back in Present
1 hour has passed since they had rushed us all into the hospital.
Waiting in this little room made her feel uncomfortable, not knowing what with Matt is.
She forced her to hold together, but it wasn't easy with all the others beside her.
She felt alone, not even Shay or Severide knowing what is going on. I thouth at this moment.
We weren't for long together but it felt like years.
She stands up and went away, couldn't look into the eyes of the others without crying.
As soon I reached the toilets I broke down.
Sobbing and crying, not knowing how he is and how I should live without him.
I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
"Gabby, he will be okay he is a fighter!"
Shay said but Shay couldn't get thru me with her words.
I began to hyperventilate, I knew I need to breath normal but I couldn't.

A rough day
RomanceWhat happens when a big tragedy involves Firehouse 51 and one member personally? Will they get over it?