I tried to update this chapter sooner that the others. Here a longer chapter then the others.
As I said before, this will be the last chapter. But at the moment I'm writing on a Chicago PD 'fanfiction'. I don't know if it will be more than one chapter. We will see.
I had fun writing this and I hope you had fun reading it.
This part wasn't the easiest but for my thinking the best.
I tried my best and gave all my feelings and heart in this chapter.
Please give me a review! It is really important to me what you think.
This sentence ' Without you no me.' May sound stupid or so, but in German it is so beautiful. ( Ohne mich kein dich.) For me this sentence shows, that loving a people is like living his live.
I know I used the word Baby all the times. But I don't like calling someone Babe. May you like it but I don't. It sounds so, as this would only held a few weeks, but this people together are build for long terms relationships. Calling someone Baby is for me kind and loving. ( haha, sorry for this little rant;p)
Gabby's Pov
I lied there.
I don't want to open my eyes, to afraid that Matt hadn't survived.
What should I do without him?
I love him so much.
He's my dream, my life.
Without him no me.
As I drifted off to sleep I heard a familiar voice.
"Baby. You need to wake up. I need you." do I dream?
It wasn't Shay.
Was that really Matt?
Is he there?
I need to know.
I am tired but slowly I tried to open my eyes, it was hard and those lights are extremely bright.
It hurt awfully and I closed my eyes again.
I moaned from pain.
Soon after Matt was beside me.
"Baby! Shss. I will call a nurse."
Matt said and pushed the nurse button.
My eyes were closed and Matt stroked my hair and kissed me on the forehead.
"How can I help you Mr. Casey?"
The nurse asked.
He answered
"Gabby...she moaned a few seconds ago. She might be waking up" he said, his voice full of hope.
I tried again to open my eyes.
But this light it was to bright and I moaned again.
"Gabby, open your beautiful eyes for me." He told me and I tried to opened my eyes.
I fo ught for this, for waking up and see Matt Again.
I tried it again with all my willpower.
I realized that it wasn't that bright in the room anymore as before.
As I opened my eyes I saw Matt above me shadowing my face.
Had he read my thoughts? I reminded me too thank him later for this.
"Gabby baby!"
Matt was happy that I'm awake and soon after the nurse talked to me.
"Ms. Dawson, you're awake. I will call the doctor." the nurse told me and she left the room.

A rough day
RomanceWhat happens when a big tragedy involves Firehouse 51 and one member personally? Will they get over it?