Call them in p2

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Steve's PoV

We were told that there is a group of agents coming to talk to us about Grant Ward. Apparently, we know one of the group members. Honestly, I have no idea who fury is taking about because we only know him and Maria hill, an of course Phil Coulson, but he's dead. Unless. Nope that's just crazy.

We decided to greet our guests out side as they were travelling by bus, which is weird 'cause last time I checked busses can't fly. But anything is possible with shield

Phil's PoV

We were just landing the bus, we were informed by fury that the avengers are waiting outside for us.

After I told the group about us meeting the avengers they all went crazy, except may. Fitzsimmons were excited to meet dr banner and talking all science and Daisy was excited to meet Tony Stark.

I was personally excited to meet cap again, maybe I'll have him sign my cards, that I recently collected, as my other ones had blood on them.

The plane doors opened and I let my team out to greet the avengers as I stayed behind for my great reveal.

Fury's PoV

"Okay avengers, these doors are going to open any second now and I will introduce them to you"

Steve put his hand up "Yes, Rogers"

"I though they were flying on a bus, not a plane?"  "Yeah, this is the bus it's just a nickname for the plane"

As the doors opened, four people walked out of the plane, of course Coulson is going to be all dramatic "okay avengers, these are the agents that know a lot about Grant Ward. Now I'm going to introduce you to them."

"This is fitzsimmons, that's Fitz and that's Simmons" i said pointing to the correct ones "Simmons is a biochemist and Fitz is a Leo, just kidding he's a engineer. This is daisy Johnson aka quake, she is an inhuman and makes things quake. And this is agent May, sorta like Romanoff but in her own way."

"Sir, I thought you said we be working with someone we knew?" Asked Steve "I'm getting to that point Rogers. I'd also like to reintroduce to you..."

"Phil Coulson"

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