Chapter 15

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Lillia's PoV~

It's been three days.

They've been both boring and peaceful.

I haven't done much, just laid in bed. Brady has been very helpful within these few days.

The pain has gotten bearable. If I take my movements slow, then I don't feel any pain.

I also haven't seen Mr. Valentino in these few days and it's taken a lot of pressure off my shoulders.

Currently, Brady is helping me walk through the hallways. It was hard at first, but once I focus on one foot at a time, I manage well enough to cover a small distance before getting tried.

"How tried are you?" Brady asked with an arm supporting me.

I've made my way down the hallway and was about to attempt to make my way down the stairs.

"I can go a little longer."

He nodded and gave me an encouraging smile.

I took one step on the first step but once my other leg stood off the ground, both my legs went weak and my body collapsed.

Brady's arms were wrapped around my waist before I was able to hit the ground. I released a shaky breath before trying to thank him.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I jumped out of my skin, not helping my legs that feel like literal jello, when I heard his voice. Mr. Valentino's voice.

Just like I remember, it echoed through the house making it sound much louder.

I turned to see him standing in the middle of the staircase making his way to us.

He looked a lot worse than I remember him looking. His eyes were darker and more sunken in. His hair was a mess and his shirt was wrinkled and not tucked in. He reeked of alcohol.

He sent a harsh glare to Brady before softening his eyes to look at me. I shied away from his eyes and tried to lean my weight against the railing of the stairs.

"I was helping her walk around the estate but I think I was pushing her too far. She needs to rest now." Brady told him before lifting me up.

"Actually, I want to talk to Lillia in my office. Just for a second." He promised while walking up the few more stairs to us and offering his hand to me.

I stared at his hand hesitantly. The part of my body that truly misses Hudson wanted to take his hand but the other part believes "talking in his office" will turn into him drugging me and leaving me in a room with for another month.

Mr. Valentino noticed my behavior and quickly dropped his hand.

"Brady can come with."

His statement seemed more than forced but he ended it with a smile.

I felt Brady nod as Mr. Valentino led us to his office. I haven't been to his office in a while but it looked the exact same from before. But there was something that I don't remember.

There was a bed next to his desk. The bedding was a grey color; it was the one I picked out.

Brady was about to set me down on one of the chairs when Mr. Valentino gestured to the bed.

"The bed will help her muscles relax." He told him while helping Brady move the blankets so they could slip me underneath them.

When I was settled in, Brady moved to seat down but sat back up.

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