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Hudson's PoV~

I felt like my head was about to fall off with boredom. I glanced at the bed in the corner of my office but sighed disappointedly when I realized Lillia wasn't there.

My second-in-command, Jake Scott, is out on maternity leave. He got a girlfriend and she got pregnant within the first month of them dating. But he wants the baby really bad and is helping his girlfriend full-time.

Honestly, I think he just got baby fever from Lillia and me.

I miss him, mainly because now I have to do all the boring work he had to do.

The only other person I would want as a replacement, until he gets back, would be Brady but that's not possible anymore.

Brady had a lot of potential, especially after I trained him a little more when he became head of security, but I didn't want him to waste his life with being a gang member.

So, I forced him to finish high school. Then he was accepted into the police academy.

Lillia had a hard time seeing him go since they've gotten close with the years of him being her personal guard. But she knew it was for the best.

He comes over still, to communicate some business, and to see Lillia and the kids.

But it's a win-win; he gets to be a police officer and I get someone I trust working in the police station. And thanks to him, mostly all of the police's attention is stirred away from me and my gang.

I've tried finding a replacement for Brady but none of them really clicked with Lillia the way Brady. But Lillia's been busy.

Within two years, Lillia completed all of her classes required to be a nurse. She started training with the doctors and nurses I had, and she loved it. A few months after that, they trusted her skills enough to leave her alone.

Now, she works there most of the time. I don't like her working full-time, mainly because I know how stressful that job can be and I don't want her getting overwhelmed.

And, also, because I like it when she's in the office with me. She only works with me a day or two out of the week, but that's usually when I get the most work done.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my office door opening. I looked up but I couldn't see anyone.

Then I heard two sets of little footsteps and a bunch of giggles.

I glanced underneath my desk to see Ryder climbing up my leg and Ryan about to jump onto the other. I quickly grabbed Ryan with one arm and Ryder with the other.

"What are you guys doing? How the hell did you get away from mommy?" They didn't bother answering me and continued to climb all over me. They just turned two and seemed to evolve to little balls of energy.

My office door opened wider and Lillia walked in with an exhausted look on her face.

"Sorry, I was trying to put them down for a nap." She said with Zander in her arms. He's only seven months.

"It's okay. They can sleep in here. Right, boys?" They nodded their heads and they climbed over to the bed next to my desk.

Lillia walked over to me and gave me a short kiss. She sat down in my lap while still cradling Zander.

I lifted her shirt and placed my hand on her very slightly swollen stomach. She's only four months along but I'm already excited to get her pregnant again.

"How're you feeling?" I asked but I already knew the answer. She looked very tired.

"My back hurts like crazy and I feel like I haven't slept in years." She said as I took Zander from her.

With my free hand, I pushed my fingers into Lillia's lower back. Her muscles relaxed a bit and I felt her lean more into me.

When I looked back up at her, she looked like she was about to fell asleep.

"Go lay in bed. I'll put Zander down." I nodded my head towards the bed to see Ryan and Ryder quietly giggling to themselves as they pretended to be asleep.

"But you have work to do," she mumbled while trying to move her body off me.

"I'll do it later." I reasoned while lifting her up and laying her down behind the twins. She reached up and pulled me down by my shoulders.

"I love you." She said against my lips before letting go and curling herself up.

When I first found out Lillia was pregnant, when she was pregnant with Ryan and Ryder, I built a small nursery attached to my office.

Zander went down without a fuss and seemed to fell asleep in seconds, just like his mother.

When I got back to my office, Ryan was cuddled into Lillia's arms but Ryder was still wide awake with his eyes wondering around my office.

Ryan has always been more of a momma's boy compared to Ryder.

I picked him up and set him on my lap. I grabbed a spare blanket I had and wrapped it around both of us.

I continued doing my work, occasionally running my fingers through Ryder's nearly black hair, until he fell asleep.

All of our boys had Lillia's raven-black hair. Ryder had light greens eyes, which I think Zander is starting to develop. But Ryan has warm brown eyes that Lillia adores over.

But they all remind me so much of Lillia. And I want so many more.

We've talked about it and agreed to stop after five or six. I want a girl; I want a Lilac so bad.

But we have time to figure out if we want more or if we want to adopt a girl.

Honestly, I think we timed everything perfectly.

Lillia first got pregnant when she was twenty. Which might seem young but that gave us four years together, to focus on each other.

She's already twenty-two and we have three kids, with one on the way.

I'm a little older, which Lillia brings up in basically every conversation we have. But I'm still young enough to be having kids.

And it works out because by the time I'm getting old enough to hand down my title and power, one of my eldest will be of age to lead.

Of course, I'm not sure which one it's going to be. Usually, it's the oldest, which is Ryan. But if one of the other boys shows more leadership qualities then I'll give it to him.

Or if Lillia births a badass girl, then she'll get my title.

But, again, I won't know for sure until they're older.

Ryder moved in my lap, making me look down at him. He gripped the end of my shirt in his tiny fist.

I love all of my children, how could I not? However, I have a good feeling about Ryder.

After finishing a large part of my work, I picked up Ryder and laid down behind Lillia. I kept Ryder on my hip and wrapped my arm around Lillia and Ryan.

I never thought I would love someone, or someones, as much as I love them. 

"I love you too, My Queen."


That's the end! Did you enjoy my story?

Tell me your thoughts! Any predictions for the second book?

Any favorite moments?

if you liked this book, you should go check out my others! Baby Cleve is finished and Arya has just started.

Thanks for reading,


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