Chapter 20

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Lillia's PoV~

It's been about three weeks since the drinking incident and I'm extremely embarrassed. But I don't regret it in the slightest.

I know I wouldn't have said those things to Hudson ever and being drunk gave me to courage to do so. But it needed to be said.

The drinking part wasn't exactly fun. I was sick in next morning, throwing up and all.

The poor maid found me on the bathroom floor and panicked.

She got me some water but asked where Hudson was. When I answered her with a confused look, she told me that Hudson had slept on the floor next to my bed and must have left right before I woke up.

The thought warmed my heart but I decided to ignore my feelings for him and focus on myself.

I haven't been ignoring him but I also haven't gone out of my way to see him.

Every morning, I wake up to breakfast on my nightstand with some flowers and a book for the day.

I'm enjoying my new room but it took me a few days to get used to all the cool technology used.

After getting over my hangover, I noticed there were notes placed all around my room explaining what certain things did.

Like the cool features on my tv, laptop, and phone. There was even a panel of buttons on my nightstand that had different symbols. If I pushed one of the buttons, the button that corresponding to the person would signal that person that I wanted them.

Like the button with the pan was the chef, Derek. There was another with a heart and that was for Hudson. There were several others, one for a doctor, the maid, and Brady.

That was pretty cool and I enjoyed annoying Brady with it.

These past few days have been nice and relaxing. I spend three hours a day working on finishing my last few classes for high school. I spend most of my time reading either on my comfy sofa with the gorgeous view of the garden, in the library, or, if the weather is nice, in the garden.

And if I feel up to it, I hang out with some of the maids and sometimes Brady.

But I have been able to roam the Estate freely.

I feel really peaceful now and my health has expressed that. Hudson made the doctor stop by twice a week to give me a short check-up, just to make sure I've been making improvements.

Due to the time spent outside, my skin has started to gain back its tan. My muscles were still very weak but when I brought that up to the doctor, she told me to not worry about it and to focus on my weight first. My weight has been increasing slowly. I'm still underweight but I'm gaining pounds as the days go by. And the doctor said that maybe if I keep eating a little bit more every day, I'll be a healthy weight by the end of next month.

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