30. A Jealous Yuki

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When 9pm came around and Mino still hasn't come home I start to worry. I glance at my phone and see no text from him.

Call me a paranoid jealous boyfriend....I don't care. I go to the main entrance pull my boots on and grab my winter jacket.

I have no clue where Mino went for drinks but I start looking for him anyways. I am not far from the city center when my phone starts to ring. I answer it right away seeing its from Mino.

"Mino? It's late where are you?"

"Can you come meet me some where....please" I hear what sounds like tears in his voice. My heart starts pounding.

"What happened!"

"Daniel tricked me Yuki....he....." I hear his voice cracking and it stabs my heart.

"He what?" I ask fear growing inside me.

I hear him take a deep breath. "He confessed he loves me.....He tried to kiss me....I am freaking out."

My hand at my side clutches into a tight fist. "Where are you?" I growl out in anger.

Mino grows silent "Uhh near the city center by the big clock....." My heart speeds up as I am not far from there.

"MINORU!" My body tenses as I hear a voice cry out over the phone.

"Was that him! I will be there in a minute....I will bloody kill him....."

"Stay the hell away from me!" Was the last thing I heard Mino yell as I start running towards the city center.

I run through the snow almost falling from slipping on the icy pavement below my feet. I turn around the corner and I freeze in my spot. Both my hands turn into fists as my blood boils. My green eyes burn with fire as I see some asshole grab my Minoru and slam his lips onto his.

I run forward and grab the mans jacket and rip him off of my boyfriend. I throw the man down onto the icy snow covered ground and I pull Mino behind my body.

"You fucking ever lay one finger on him again and I swear I will bloody kill you...." I growl out through clenched teeth.

I feel Minoru place his hands on my body from behind and I can feel him shaking through my winter jacket.

I watch the fucking asshole push himself to his feet and he stands up. "Fuck Fuyuki....you didn't have to be that rough....."

My eyes grow wide as I recognize that voice. I watch as the man raises his head and smiles at me through those glasses I used to love so dearly.

I take a shaky step away back from him.

"Not happy to see me I guess..." He grins.

"Dannie....." I gasp out.

"WHAT!" Mino steps out from behind me. He gazes from me to Dannie and back to me.

"Dannie....as in.....your ex Dannie?" Mino whispers in shock. His eyes waver as he glances back to the man who broke my heart. My hands start to shake as I realize the man Mino has been enjoying working with is the fucker who cheated on me.

I watch as Dannie's reddish brown eyes go from me to gazing at Minoru. He reaches out to him and I step between them.

"I mean it Dannie don't you fucking touch him! Mino is mine...."

"You always were the possessive type...I remember when you used to be like that with me. You know I did truly wish we could make it work between us again....Especially that night a month ago when you came crawling back to me and we slept together. But you refused to take me back after that night. But that's fine, I got my eyes on someone much better."

"Fuck you..." I growl out.

"See you at work after the holiday Mino..." He grins and winks then walks off.

"Yuki?" I stand there frozen in my spot as I watch Dannie walk down the street. "Yuki....." I feel Mino take my hand and it pulls me from my thoughts.

"Lets go..." I whisper as I wrap my arm around his shoulders and walk back to our place in silence.

I feel Mino glancing at me as we walk in silence, I know he wants to say something but he just doesn't know what to say.

We get to the apartment and I unlock the door and we enter in silence. I kick off my boots and throw my jacket in the closet and walk to the couch and flop down onto it.

"I didn't know....." raise my gaze and I see Mino standing there his head hanging tears falling down his cheeks. "Do you still love him?"

"Mino...." I stand and run to him wrapping my arms around his body. "No....I hate him....."

"Yuki, he is the man who broke your heart....." Mino cries into my chest. "I had fun at work with him....I thought he was a great guy....then he.....tells me he loves me." I feel his body shake and I hold him even tighter. "Are you mad at me?"

"No I am not mad at you....You said his name was Daniel....in the two years I dated him I never once called him that. He said he hated that name and he only ever went by Dannie.....I had no clue it could have been him." I whisper trying to calm him down.

"Yuki, what do I do....." He whispers as I lead him to the couch and we sit down. I pull his body onto my lap as he lays his head against my chest.

"Leave that fucker to me..." I whisper as I rub my hand up and down his back. "Just avoid being alone with him as best as you can."

"I will try...." Mino's body still is shaking as I hold him tightly.

I wont lie. Learning it was Dannie hit me hard, it made me feel like I had all the air punched out of me. Knowing his lips...the ones I have kissed so many times during the two years we dated....the lips he betrayed me with as he slept with the other man breaking my heart....knowing his lips kissed Mino's.

I place my hands on Mino's face and lift him up. He looks at me with sad blue eyes. His purple hair falls messily around his face.

I pull him in and kiss his lips. "I am the only one ever allowed to kiss you.." I whisper as I kiss him again. "I am the only one ever allowed to hold you...." My lips take his once more. "The only one allowed to touch you...." I whisper as I kiss him over and over.

"Fuyuki...." He whispers my name in between our kisses and my racing heart races even more but for a different reason. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too Mino.....Look tomorrow is Christmas and I have that surprise for you....Lets forget about tonight and enjoy each others touch." I whisper.

I grin as I watch him blush, he reaches his hand out to me and unties my hair letting it fall loose around my face and shoulders. "I love your hair...." He whispers. I close my eyes as he runs his hand through it. Fuck I love his touch. I feel him press his lips against mine and I melt into his soft sweet kisses.


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