10. Drunk Confessions

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I sit on my bed. Fuyuki has not yet returned. I find myself wondering if he even will...

"Fuck I was an idiot...."I mutter under my breath as I glance to the clock beside my bed. The lights flash saying it is 1:13am.

I fall backwards onto my back knowing I will be awake in like 4 in a half hours. I groan at that thought. Then I hate myself even more for what I did earlier.

I came out asking in the middle of the street if Fuyuki was gay....Dannie....I thought it was a girl's name, but it could easily be a guy....or am I overthinking this? I mean I did clearly ask him in the cafe that first day what SHE was like...and he answered.

"Fuck I am an idiot.....just because he isn't nervous like me...." I fucked up....I know I did. Hell I don't even have his phone number to call and apologize.

I mean fuck just look at him....he is the type of guy to not get embarrassed about dating...fuck I haven't been on a date in well.....I hate to say how long it has been. All I will say is kissing Cho...yah that's the craziest thing I have done in awhile....

"Fuck!" I curse out once more...I can't stop thinking about what I did. I sit up on my bed and run my hands through my purple hair. "If I was him I wouldn't come back...." I mutter.

I sit there silently until I glance at my clock once more. The lights now shining showing it is 1:47am. "Oh come on!" I cry out irritated with myself. I lay back down and close my eyes...no luck. I grab the bottom of the shirt I am wearing and pull it up over my head. The place is surprisingly warm tonight.....Maybe Fuyuki turned the heat up? If he did he is smarter then me...

Laying in just my pants I stand up and unzip my jeans and remove them. Pulling my soft black sleeping pants on I lay down once more.

I close my eyes trying to fall asleep when a loud noise comes from my entrance. I bolt up and gaze at my bedroom door. "What the fuck was that...." I whisper as my heart races.

I stand from my bed and slowly walk to the door. Opening my bedroom door I peak out but see nothing in the hallway. "Maybe I imagined it...or it was in the hallway outside.." I am about to close my door when I hear the sound of something crashing in my living room.

"SHIT!" I hear a voice say.

That voice....

I throw open my bedroom door and rush down the hall and stand at the entrance to the living room. I place my hand on the light switch and flick it on causing the lamp to turn on.

"HOLY SHIT!" Fuyuki cries out as he stumbles backwards in surprise. I stare at him. If I thought he was drunk last night I was so very wrong.

"Fuyuki..." I whisper his name out. His head snaps up and he sees me standing there. "Look...I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier..."

"Who the fuck cares...." He mutters out.

"Look I do, I feel bad for what I assumed." He doesn't even seem to hear me as he stumbles towards me.

"You...." He says staring at me.

"Look if I upset you I am sorry! I had no right to blurt out that I thought you were...."

I freeze as he places a finger to my lips. My whole body tenses up.

"Who the fuck cares if I am gay..." My eyes grow wide hearing him speak. "Dannie that fucker said he loved me...He then turned around and shared our bed with another guy!" he yells out. I cringe at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "To have you say his name...." Fuyuki growls out.

However the only thing I can take from this is Dannie WAS a guy.....and when I heard his heart racing....if he wasn't nervous...

"You piss me off so much!" Fuyuki suddenly pushes my chest and I stumble backwards and my back hits the wall.

"Ffffuyuki..." I stumble out in surprise.

"My friends.....they all told me how perfect we were together....said we were the cutest couple ever...That you are so much better for me then Dannie ever was....you're more mature then he was. That you would never hurt me like he did....."

"Fuyuki.....your drunk......you should go to sleep...."

"I wanted to do it you know....at the party.....seeing her kiss you.....I wanted to break the rule." His finger touches my cheek and he glides it up and down it. "You drive me crazy Minoru...Mino." He smiles at me. "I am going to call you Mino from now on....."

"Fuyuki...." I breath out in a whisper, I can't slow my heart beat as he stands so close.

"You can call me Yuki if you wish...." He leans in closer and I turn my face away from him.

"We have to work in the morning.....you need to sleep." I whisper. My body burns hot as I feel his lips gently place against my neck. "Ah!" I gasp out in surprise. I try to move away but he puts a hand on either side of my trapping me against the wall.

"No sleep.....I need to do this....." His lips kiss my neck once more. "Damn Mino your so fucking hot....." I feel his hand graze my stomach.

"Fuyuki please....." I whisper out.

He pulls away and gazes into my eyes. "I'm sorry....I forgot....you're not gay...." I see a sadness cross his eyes.

"Why did you pick me?" I suddenly find myself whispering. "Out of all the reporters at Shizen....why did you pick me...a proofing editor to do this assignment with you?"

"Because when you first ran into me.....I thought you were cute. I was so attracted to you I couldn't stop thinking about you....I don't feel so good....." he starts to groan.

"Your drunk......" I mutter as he stumbles away from me. I know I should stay away from him, but I find myself needing to help him. "Come on...." I lead him towards my bedroom.

"No I sleep there..." He points to the couch.

"You will just roll off it again..." I whisper.

Walking down the hall he stops. "Whats in there?" He points to the spare bedroom.

"Nothing...." I whisper.

"You know my secret....let me know yours...." He reaches out to open the door when I cry out.

"Please....remember rule number 3...."

"There are 2 rules I want to break now..." He sighs as he allows me to lead him into my bedroom. leading him through the door he stumbles and falls onto my bed. However with my holding him I fall with him.

My eyes grow wide as I lay beside him as he gazes at me. He sits up then quickly pushes me over so I am on my back as he climbs above me straddling my hips.

"Fuyuki!" I gasp out.

"Fuck the rules...." He whispers as he leans down and captures my lips with his hot moist ones.


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