35. Yuki.......

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"Look Dannie isn't stupid." I glance up to Fuyuki as I pull a shirt on. "He wont try anything with you at the office, not while others are there."

"I don't think I have ever been so terrified to go to work..."

"Mino." Fuyuki walks over to me and wraps the purple and black stripped tie he bought me around my neck. "If you're not alone with him nothing will happen."

"How can I even look at him....after all he has done. Confessing to me..kissing me.....breaking your heart."

"If he never broke my heart then you and I would have never got together...."

"Yuki..." He leans down and kisses me gently. "But Kiki is here....maybe I should call Kida and say I can't come..."

"Mino go to work....Kiki and I will be here waiting for you when you return." He smiles at me. "Just remember....if he does try anything, I will kill him." I watch a flash of lightening flash through Yuki's green eyes.

Yuki takes my hand in his and pulls me from our bedroom. My piercing blue eyes land on Kiki who is fast asleep on the couch.

"Go...I will take care of Kiki for you."

I walk over and pull my winter jacket on. Placing my gloves on Fuyuki grabs my scarf and wraps it around my neck. "I love you Mino...."

I smile softly at him. "I love you too." I lean up and gently kiss his lips. "I will call you when I am almost done work."

Sadly I leave our apartment and make my way through the snowy winter wonderland. Walking down the street a block from the apartment my eyes land on the local bakery. I walk to the window and gaze inside.

"A baker huh?" I mutter as I continue down the street.

Arriving at Shizen I take a deep steady breath as I stand and wait for the elevator to open. As the doors chime I step inside. Making it to the the 12th floor I step out to see the office quieter then normal.

"Ah Urihara have good holidays?" I see Mr Kida walk towards me.

"Yes Sir, and you?"

"To short!" He chuckles. "Though today will be a short day..most of the staff aren't even showing up today."

"Oh...is that so?"

"Yah, so don't worry Urihara, I wont keep you apart from Shido for too long today!" He sends me a wink as I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

I watch him walk to his office and I do the same. Maybe Daniel is one of the ones who wont show....this thought makes me smile.

Opening my office door I freeze. Sitting there in my chair is Daniel. His short brown hair falls across his reddish brown eyes. He gazes at me through his glasses.

"Minoru!" He smiles as he stands up. My body seems to freeze as he walks over and collapses at his own desk. "I wasn't sure if I was going to be seeing you today." I silently walk over and place my work bag on my desk. "Look I should apologize...I was drunk that night..."

"Are you trying to tell me you didn't mean it when you said your going to make me yours?"

He chuckles as he readjusts his glasses. "No I meant that.....I just, the way I went about it scared you, and I am sorry about that."

"Well you and I will never happen....."

"I originally planned to win Fuyuki back...over a month ago when he came to me drunk, I thought I got my wish....but then he pushed me away saying that was a mistake. Then I read this..." He holds out the Body Heat issue. "After reading this, I knew Fuyuki wasn't the guy for me....but you are."

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