42. Everything Changes x 2

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I stare blankly at Mino. With the plate of cake resting on his lap. I watch him cut a piece with the fork and he raises it to his lips.

"Your quitting Shizen?" I say in shock.

"You told me before you would support my decision to quit if I wanted to..." He mutters.

"I did....AND I DO!" I quickly blurt out. I take a sip of the champagne in my hand. "Does this have to do with Dannie?" I knew I shouldn't have asked but I had to.

"No.....I realize Yuki. The only reason I finally made it to become a reporter was because of you."

"I think you would have withou..."

He cuts me off. "No I wouldn't have....and I am thankful for you. Not only did it get me the job I dreamed about...but it brought me you." His cheeks blush as I gaze at him. He drinks the last of his champagne and I take the empty glass from his hand. "I just don't feel happy there anymore. It's not what I love to do...."

I refill both our glasses and hand him the glass. I take the plate of cake and move it to the table. He shifts his body to face me.

"So Mino. What do you want to do?"

I watch a small smile appear on his face. "I actually already got a job offer. I just asked for some time to talk to you about it...."

"Where?" I ask curious.

"You know that local bakery just down the street?" I watch as his eyes light up. "They had a sign posted in the window saying they are hiring for a new Baker."

"Mino that's wonderful..." I smile at him.

"But they are only hiring for part time....So that is a big problem." He mutters sadly.

"Why is that a problem?"

He looks up at me with those piercing blue eyes that make my heart race. "Luna will be coming home with us very soon...our living expenses are going to go up drastically...I wouldn't make very much there to help with that..."

I sigh as I place my glass of champagne down. I lean towards him and cup his face with both my hands.

"Mino take the job. I see it in your eyes you want to. You love to bake." He bites his lower lip. "Don't worry about loosing the money that you make now. I make plenty enough that you wouldn't even have to work. If you wanted to you could stay home all day with Luna."

"Yuki...I can't rely on you like that......." He whispers.

"But I want you too....." I reach out and take his glass of champagne from his grasp and place it on the table by mine. "I want to see you do something you love...." I grasp both of his hands in mine. "Honestly Mino, living expenses wont be an issue. I think you working part time is perfect actually. The days you work Luna can go to day care if I cant be home. Then the rest of the time you can watch her while I am at work."

"I just feel bad....I mean I am older then you...I should be the one supporting you!" He blurts out.

"Mino...you being older then me doesn't matter to me. I WANT to take care of you and our daughter. Let me....I want you to rely on me......" I take a big nervous gulp. "I want......" My heart pounds harder in my chest as I gaze at the man I love. "I want......" I nervously look down at the bed. I can feel the sweat forming on my forehead. I have never been so nervous before.

"You want what?" Mino's soft voice causes me to raise my gaze back to his. I feel him squeeze my hands to encourage me.

"I......I want......" I pull one of my hands from his and place it on his cheek. I lean in closer to the man before me. "I want.....to be able to call you my husband...." I watch his blue eyes open wide. "Minoru Urihara....will you marry me?" I whisper softly to him.

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