Chapter Eleven

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Gray hadn't intended to go to the meeting. He hadn't even remembered it was on until his phone beeped at him, reminding him. James could more than handle things, his presence wasn't at all required. But maybe he should go just to make sure things were running smoothly. It was after all, the first staff meeting since he'd bought The Daily Times, it wouldn't look odd at all if he was to show up. In fact it was good business practice, he needed to be informed of what was happening in his latest media acquisition. Perhaps he could meet with a few more of the journalists, too. Maybe he could see Quinn.

That was the real reason, no point pretending. He'd not been able to get her out of his mind since she'd stayed in his house four nights ago and enough was enough. He felt like he'd had a permanent hard-on ever since and there was only one thing for it. He didn't care about the niggling voice in the back of his head, which sounded oddly like his dad's, telling him what a bloody stupid idea it was. He had a plan forming in his mind. He used strategies all the time, but usually they were reserved for the boardroom. He was good at business, he was sure his planning strategies would succeed in the bedroom, too. Gray smiled to himself as the elevator ascended The Daily Times building.


Quinn tapped her pencil in boredom. She sat next to Summer in the auditorium listening to James speak. It was the monthly all-staff meeting where several important messages were being imparted. Quinn had heard not one.

In fact, she'd not had much enthusiasm for anything lately. Last Friday for example. She'd gone out with Summer and Kat as per usual, dinner and dancing, but her heart just wasn't in it. That may have had something to do with the fact that Kat was trying to set her up with every male within their vicinity and it was getting tedious, but mostly Quinn felt like a wet blanket. Somehow, she had managed to score an invite to the more exclusive club upstairs where celebrities hung out with the famous owner of the nightclub. Kat and Summer had practically begged her to accept and all three of them were escorted upstairs, but all Quinn wanted to do was go home to bed and lie under the covers.

She'd turned into a grandma at the ripe old age of twenty-seven and it was all Gray's fault. She hadn't seen him since she'd spent the night at his house, the night they'd been hiding out from the paparazzi and even though nothing had happened between them, she'd kind of hoped it had. Maybe then she wouldn't be feeling so... pent up. She squeezed her thighs together as once again the memory of their kiss flashed through her mind.

Quinn's thoughts were interrupted as a sudden murmur broke out among the journalists. She looked around, saw him, felt her heart actually skip a beat before it picked up again. He was here, Gray was here. He'd tried to sneak in quietly obviously, taking a seat in the corner, but of course people noticed him. People looked at him wherever he went.

He looked good and she had a pretty good view from here. He was wearing a perfectly tailored grey suit that made him look amazing. She remembered the first day he'd walked in on a staff meeting, then Quinn could only wonder at his body beneath his clothing. Now she had seen it for herself, touched it for herself and her breath hitched in her throat at the mere thought. She squirmed slightly in her seat. Was he here because of her? Don't flatter yourself, she berated. He probably just wanted to sit in on the staff meeting. His presence would have nothing to do with the fact that she was here, too. He had a business empire to run and this was one of his investments. He had a right to be here.

"O.M.G," Summer whispered, suddenly noticing him sitting in the corner. She grasped Quinn's hand so tightly it hurt. "Gray Holloway is here, he is so seriously hot."

Quinn rolled her eyes. Yeah he was, but really, did every female in the place have to swoon. She still hadn't told her or Kat that Gray had accompanied her to Byron Bay or the night she had stayed at his home. Imagine if she mentioned the fact that she'd kissed him, more than once. They'd go into overdrive. She smiled at her little secret.

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