Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"This is your idea to stop me from running away from you again?"


"By driving me out to the middle of nowhere?"


Gray smiled and looked out the window of the Aston Martin as they were driven along through the exclusive suburbs of Sydney. Technically not the middle of nowhere, but still, Quinn had no idea where they were or what they were doing and Gray wasn't giving anything away.

He'd made her dress up in a fancy dress- red because he liked that colour on her and he wore a tuxedo with a tie that was the same shade as her dress. Quinn assumed he was taking her to a restaurant somewhere, but it must be well hidden away because she hadn't heard of anything out this way.

"Where are we now?" she asked.

"Point Piper," Gray said, checking his phone for the hundredth time. He seemed very nervous and he kept looking out the window and up into the sky. Quinn followed his gaze.

"Looks like rain," she said.

"I know. We'll have to be quick."

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Quick for what?"

"You'll see, we're almost there."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Curtis pulled the car into a driveway, but when Quinn looked out, she was surprised to see what she did. Gray had already jumped out of the car and was coming around to open her door for her. She took his hand and stepped out, her eyes glued to the scenery before her.

"What is this?"

"Do you like it?" Gray was grinning now.

"Um, I'm not really sure what it is," she said, looking up at Gray in confusion.

"It's our new house."

"Our new house? Gray, that doesn't answer anything. In fact, that opens up a whole lot more questions in my mind."

"It's simple," he said. "I want to build a house here that you and I can live in."

Quinn chewed her lip. "You want to live with me? Because that takes our relationship to a whole new level."

"I'm aware," he said and his smile was so sexy that it made her breath catch.

Quinn looked out at the her surroundings again. "So this is going to be our house?"


"I just... I mean, it's a pile of dirt, Gray," she said because it was exactly that. A great big block of land the size of two football fields with nothing on it but dirt flattened into the ground.

"You just need to have a bit of vision," he said, laughing like he'd told the funniest joke in the world.

He took her hand and began to lead her over the razed earth. She had to pick her way carefully because of her high heels and she held onto Gray's hand a little too tightly for support. She was so focused on not falling that she didn't see the table until they were standing in front of it.

"This is the dining room," he said.

And sure enough, there in the middle of the pile of dirt was the biggest table Quinn had ever seen, probably with enough seating for twenty people, but there were only two chairs at this table and an elaborate set up on top.

Quinn looked about trying to get a grasp on the size of the block of land, the size of the table, the house that would be built here.

"Gray, this is huge."

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