chapter three "a new friend"

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Bluekit was woken up by a wet tounge laping at her ears this relaxed her somewhat the pain slowly going away with each stroke."I know your up little one" a soft voice whispered in her ear.startled she opened up her eyes overwhelmed by the new smells she started to shake "w-were I'm i" she would say quivering.she was in what smelt like a medical bay there was hurbs lined up everywhere and it smelt strongly of hurbs that she didn't recognize.infront of her sat a light brown she cat with leopard print marking with beautiful yellow eyes that looked like topaz."you were found bleeding out right on our borders we brought you here to take care of your wounds".The she cat spoke calmly and crisp "w-ere are those two cats that came into my den"she would say dred starting to form in her stomic "you killed that cat" a voice would say darkly in her ear."oh you mean the two miceland cats"she would say which snaped bluekit out of her trance "well we chased out the one that was in our territory and our scouts found the second one dead a bite mark to the throat than we found you berly breathing"."oh" she would say looking down at the floor "what's the matter little kit?"the she cat would say slightly tilting her head to one side ."I-I killed the 2nd miceland cat he was going to hurt me I didn't mean to kill him"she would say dred coming back to her stomic still looking at the ground ashamed"."there is nothing to be ashamed of little one what you did was brave and a way of protecting yourself" said the topaz cat while she licked bluekits back trying to comfort her.It worked pretty well her warm breath and hot tounge lapping her body helped relax her she would yawn sleep started to take over her body."what's your name ?" she would ask before a yawn took over causing the last part to become not understandable."my name is goldenlilly" the she cat would say calmly "my parents call be bluekit I'm there little bluejay or atleast that's what they say"she would say before sleep fully took over."night little bluejay" she would hear goldenlilly before the world around her faded to black.Bluekit woke up in a small glade the wind slightly shook the trees and the grass she would look around everything besides the glade was a blurry mess stopping her from seeing beyond the glade. "were am I"she would say outloud getting up from the soft talk grass she would start to walk around the glade till she saw a soft blue haze threw the grass she slowly walked over to the blue haze finding it was a small waterly hole.she would inspect the pool before she stuck in one of her paws in the pool the water was suprising warm she took out her paw to find that the paw that she put in was see threw with small glistening starts her paw looked fragile like a peice of glass.Smileing she would hold her breath before jumping to the pool closing her eyes warmth spread threw her body she felt safe and warm this made her smile.A few moments later the feeling loosened confused on why that was she opened her eyes gasping at the sight that she saw she saw a redwood forest starry animals ran threw the woods gracefully gliding threw the roots without a worrie in the world.the place looked like something out the story's her father and mother would tell her before she dozed off.


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