2: The House in the Forest

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So today was the day.

A large yawn escaped my lips as I blinked the sleep from my eyes. As soon as I had woken up, the meeting between the generals and myself was called. We now sat in the dining room amongst a grand buffet of breakfast items: toast, pancakes, waffles, yogurt and fruit, coffee, juice, scones, eggs, bacon and just about anything else you could dream up for your first meal of the day.

Fenrir sat to my left, shovelling mountains of toast onto his plate. He already had a single piece sticking out of his mouth. Ray was sipping coffee across from us and reviewing the details of some housekeeping Army issues - a buffer for the generals before we spoke about my move.

"I can't believe Luka woke up early and made all of this.." I leant to the side and whispered to Fenrir, watching him pile four more pieces of toast in his hand and migrate them onto his already leaning tower of toast on his plate.

"Mmmf-if's cause yourf---leaving todayff" He replied with a mouthful of food. The Ace of Spades had stars in his eyes.

"Now then." Ray's voice rose in volume to get our attention. He stood up and placed his hands on the table, looking to each of us. Sirius and Seth both looked up from their plates.

"Let's discuss Kelly's move. Sirius and I ironed out the last of the details last night. Sirius, if you would."

Luka stepped out from the kitchen wearing an apron and drying his hands with a rag. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up, presumably so he didn't get his coat dirty. I instantly noticed how handsome he looked in it. I averted my eyes.

Sirius stood up also, taking a swig of espresso before laying out the details.

"Seth and Fenrir, first off, thank you for delivering the request to Blanc and Oliver in the Central Quarter." The Ace of Spades looked up, stuffed the rest of his toast in his mouth, swallowed hard, then grinned happily. Seth beamed as well.

"Now, Kelly as you know, Blanc and Oliver have agreed to take you in. I will help you pack the rest of your things today, and by sunset, Luka will deliver you to your new lodgings. From what I've heard, Blanc is very excited to have you." 

I felt an uncontrollable blush begin to burn my cheeks.


Seth inturrupted with a heavy, gloomy sigh.

"Its so unfair that Blanc and Oliver get to spend the rest of the month with Kelly!" He whined, plucking a strawberry from the bowl of fruit and popping it into his mouth delicately, frowning all the while.

I turned to Seth and smiled. It felt good to know my friends were going to miss me.

"I know Seth, but you'll get to visit her." The Queen of Spades chimed in, attempting to redirect the conversation.

"Now, Kelly. We have a few rules for you to follow also now that you'll be under remote supervision with the Black Army. Firstly, always make sure you have a general with you when you go out. Whether it be in the morning, daytime, or nighttime." 

I kept a firm focus on Sirius as I reached for the plate of toast. When my fingertips registered that nothing was on the plate, I blinked, then glanced at Fenrir. He grinned sheepishly.

"Will Luka be my main contact for when I need to leave?" I redirected my hand to pick up a pistachio scone from another plate.

"He will. Other than for official tasks he gets assigned to and his off time, he will be with you." The Queen nodded to me, then to Luka. The younger of the Clemence brothers made his way over to the empty seat beside me and sat down.

Possession: A Luka Clemence X MC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now