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Craig sighed as he followed the group down the street where people had been passing out stickers, extra flags and such.

Clyde strolled behind Craig covered in stickers,kisses from grandmas thinking he looks cute,and extra flags.

He looked like a gay advertisement.

Clyde loved the attention he was getting from people,Craig although hated this.He didn't really like hanging around gay people,it made him feel weird.

He knows himself he's straight,so he shouldn't be here.'When I get home I'm going to church and praying the gay off me.' Craig thought as he slumped behind everyone.A bit of his homophobic side was coming out.

Craig May think that it's fine to love others for the way they are,but he still has a bit of homophobia in him,after all his family put it there.

"Guys I'm hungry,I skipped breakfast." Stan sighed holding his stomach.

"Same,I never ate anything,you hungry buttercup?" Butters nodded.

Everyone soon headed towards one of the cars where they served brisket.The stood in line talking to eachother about who's paying.Soon enough they settled on token since he's rich.

Craig just sighed and put his hands in his pockets waiting.Tweek looked back from butters and saw Craig standing there with a look on his face.

Tweek moved next to Craig and mocked him by standing exactly the way he was.

Craig rose his brow and turned to tweek."could I help you?"

Tweek continued mocking Craig before clearing his throat.

"Nope.Don't mind me."

Craig laughed a bit before looking away staring straight ahead still."I'm gonna mind you still."

Tweek sighed relaxing before looking at craig."Whats wrong?You look so grumpy."

Craig shrugged his shoulders."I just..I miss home you know?" Craig lied.He was a terrible liar,and Tweek noticed.

Tweek chose to ignore it and just nodded."Yeah,I know what you mean."

Craig nodded continuing to look forwards before noticing Clyde talking to this guy next to them.He wore a Star Wars shirt so craig knew Clyde would be talkative for a while.

"You remind me of someone I know,or remember at least."

Craig looked at Tweek and nodded."Like who?"

"There was this one boy who I remember for some reason.I saw him with the protesters.He held up some stupid ass sign.I remember watching the protesters when he walked up to me and tried holding my hand in an act of peace."

Craig's heart stop,thinking Tweek would remember him.

"U-um..what happened next?"

"Well,Kenny grabbed my hand and dragged me as soon as he heard that they were going to play 'don't matter.' "

"What do you...remember about him?"

"Well,he had black hair,like yours,he wore a blue sweater,the sleeves were longer then his arms."

Tweek laughed."It was pretty adorable."

For whatever reason,Craig laughed as his cheeks turned a bit pink.

"He also had this blue chullo hat with a yellow poof ball.Theres even this similar guy who looks exactly like him but older.I always see him on the protesters side.I never got a good look at his face though."

Craig nodded in relief before rolling up his sleeves due to how hot it was getting.

Tweek laughed."Its getting hot huh?Well don't worry,here this will sorta help."

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