Chance Meeting You

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Looking up, I felt an icy hand reach for mine. An apology spilled from the lips of Luke Hemmings, the frat boy who had appropriated the hearts of every futile girl on campus.
"Sorry, didn't mean to hit you." He smirked. "Are you sure your alright? Could I get anything? Coffee? Dry your books? How about a number?" He mused, trying to coax me.
"I'll be just fine without your help thank you. I'm not into being another page in your playboy magizine." I spat. To this he replied,
"Oh honey, you'd be the cover though." I stood up and he pulled me close and whispered "Look, I know I have a reputation but I'd really like to take you out."
"And how many times has that line been used?"
"Just once."
"Hemmings, I am not now or ever going to let you fuck me so kindly would you give up?"
"But you already have a nick name for me. How about I call you..." He leaned in close and slapped my ass just hard enough to remind me that this was for real, "Princess. And you can call me Daddy. How does that sound?" My eyes grew to resemble full moons and my heart was in my throat.
"How did you know..."
"Let's see... surprisingly you write all of this shit down and send it to your "friends" and then don't delete it."
"You went through my phone?" I said, now realising that his hand still rested between my butt and thigh.
"Not only that but I saved every picture you've ever sent of yourself. Every word you've ever typed about fantasies and if you don't go to this jacked party with me tomorrow night, I'm afraid they might end up on the desk of Headmaster Addams."
"You wouldn't." I hissed. His eyes gleamed back with a devilish grin and he whispered
"Oh but I would."

*Next Night*
I can't believe I am getting ready to go to a party with Luke Hemmings. I stood before myself in a mirror that reflected everything I hate. My hair was loosely crimped so as to resemble beach waves, and my makeup was elegant and sexy. My dress was fitted but not slutty as it loosened up around my knees into a high low dress. I wore 4 inch gold sandals that complemented my cribbian blue dress and gold and brown makeup. I was startled by the doorbell ringing, not expecting him to auctually show up. I opened the door expecting some preppy ensamble that stated I-want-to-fuck-your-daughter, but was suprised to see him standing there, full tux with a rose.
"I thought this was supposed to be a "jacked" party." I stated. He blushed, glancing at the ground.
"Yah..." He chuckled so softly that I wanted to fall into his arms. "I um, well, this is for you." He said handing me the Rose. "Be careful with it though I pricked myself in the car."
Was this really happening? Was Luke Hemmings auctually the sweetest guy I've ever met?
"Thanks." I smiled softly as I placed the rose in a vase.
"Here," he said taking my hand. He led me to this car and opened the door for me. As he climbed in the other side, I asked
"Where are we going?"
"If I told you would it be half as interesting?"
"If you kill me I swear to god I will haunt your ass until the end of time" He laughed, tilting his head back and biting his lip ring. I watched as it pulled between his teeth and gleamed in the dim lighting as he reached forward and turned the radio on. Stairway to heaven played in the background as we got out and layed out a blanket on a patch of grass that overlooked the entire city. He sat down with a bottle of wine, and food that smelled like sex. We ate and talked and I got to ask why he lied and how come I'm the only girl he's been good too.
"Your different. You don't want me because I'm "Luke Hemmings"..."
"Auctually I didn't want you at all" I teased.
"You auctually got ready didn't you?"
"You auctually have photos of me on your phone so I didn't have much of a choice."
"I Auctually don't" he laughed, leaning back to look at the stars. The candles that were set up around us reflected in his eyes and created the most spectacular lighting. I leaned back too and sighed.
"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up concern flooding his tone.
"I just can't love you." I said sitting up to face him. His eyes, still reflecting the light then dimmed, and were filled with sorrow.
"I understand." He sighed, starting to stand.
"I just don't want to be hurt." I said casting my eyes downward.
"I wouldn't do that, your different to me. I'm sorry I can't be what you think you need, but I know I could be whatever you auctually need." He stated, beginning to pick up a candle and blow it out. It flickered in his eyes once more, full of honesty and pain. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down into a kiss so deep I could feel his promise to be what I needed in my soul. We laid back and looked at the stars. Holding each other and talking about anything and everything all at once. I don't remember when I feel asleep, somewhere between the creation of the world and the existence of other universes, but I know it was where I belong.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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